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Chapter 5


"Who... are you?" The mysteries man who held the bloody hatchet asked.

"Put your weapons down!" a woman shouted behind him.

She was young looking. She wore a dirty and bloody white tank top with cargo pants and sneakers. She had long, dirty blonde hair.

I looked behind me to everyone putting their weapons down. I followed.

"We don't want any trouble." Tilly told.

"Put your hands up!" Another person said who had a flashlight.

We all put our hands who our heads and followed them. They have weapons. I saw one with a shotgun.

The flashlight guy pointed the bright light at my eyes. He proceeded to do that to Kenji, Tilly, then Alia.

"They're not infected..." The flashlight guy mumbled to the leader of the group or so I thought.

The leader pointed at our bags.

"What's in all of them?" he asked.

My heart began beating faster.

'Please don't take them...' I begged in my head.

"They're our stuff!" Kenji exclaimed.

"What's in it?" the leader asked more sternly.

"I promise you we will leave you guys alone. Just let us go with our stuff." Tilly begged.

The leader turned to one really fit guy. He looked scary with all his muscles. He had a big scar across his right cheek.

"Check them." The leader ordered.

I guess he is in charge.

The muscle guy kicked one of our duffel bag. It was one with the food and water. He opened it with a giant smile.

"This one is full of stock." He smirked.

He went and checked our weapon bag. It was only filled with some ammo and knives. He had a disappointed look. I guess he wanted more. He checked in Tilly's duffel bag. It was just blankets and clothes. Again, he was disappointed. He checked my bag. It was just a few supplies and a wool blanket. He went to the next bag... the medical bag stuffed with all kinds of medicine.

"Jackpot!" he snickered.

He tossed the bag to the leader. The guy then went to Alia. He snatch her bag off her back. I flinched. I wanted to push him away, but who knows what this group will do to us.

"Stop it! Give it back!" Alia shouted.

She quickly scratched the guy on his left eye. She kicked him on the leg and tried grabbing her backpack. The guy wouldn't let go. He pushed her to the ground. I gasped.

"Hey!" I shouted.

I ran up to my sister and hugged her. I heard clicks behind me. The group had their guns pointed at my head.

"Don't do anything stupid!" the leader shouted.

"What am I gonna do? Kill you?" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Hey! Don't talk to us like that!" the muscle guy who pushed my sister spat.

"Abella!" Kenji quietly scolded,"Just listen to them!"

"You're a loser!" Alia shouted at the muscle guy.

"Why you-" The muscle guy came towards us.

"Dane, stop!" I turned around to a kid who was around my sister's age.

Dane? It fits the muscle guy.

The kid had a gun pointed at us. He had straight brown hair and had a white undershirt and a blue flannel shirt that was unbuttoned. He had blue jeans and some kind shoes. I think converse. He looked like a pretty tough kid.

"Give me my bag back!" Alia shouted.

"What's in it?" Dane asked.

"Why do you care?" she grouched.

"So I know which ones good to steal or not!" Dane spat.

"Fine! In their is photos of my dead family members. Go ahead. Steal it." Alia snapped.

She brought photos?

Dane rolled his eyes and threw the bag at my sister.

Dane announced,"Let's just take the food and medicine. Leave them-"

"No." The leader interrupted, "They can be good people."

"Are you telling me that you want these people with us?" Dane argued.

"Yes. Now shut up." The leader commanded.

"This is utterly stupid." Dane grumbled.

The leader went up to me and held out a hand. I grabbed it and stood up.

"I'm Desmond. What about you?"

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