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Chapter 21


I turn around to see a man beside the ladder holding Quinn with a gun to her head.

"Quinn!" Annette shrieked.

Charlie and Miles grabbed onto Annette while she fought for Quinn. Charlie's foot dug down to the gravel floor. Miles held tightly into her. Annette kept fighting. Quinn was like a sister to her... I know how she feels.

I grabbed my glock and pointed my gun at the man. I realized he was one of the survivors.

"Let her go!" I shout.

I look behind me as I heard clicks. Lillian pointed her crossbow at the man. Doc, Dane, Kenji, and Tilly too pointed their big guns to the man.

"I-I will pull t-the trigger if y-you shoot." The man stuttered.

His eyes were bloodshot red. He was twitching and shaking.

"What do you want?" Tilly questioned.

The man shot a glare at Tilly.

"You... you left us behind? I c-can't take it anymore!" He screams.

This hospital made people insane, but only to the weaklings.

He began backing away. We all crept closer to him. Quinn was bawling her eyes out.

"Quinn..." Annette sobbed.

Annette fell to the ground crying while Miles and Charlie held her still.

My hand was shaking. I don't know if I can shoot. I might hit Quinn.

The man began backing up more and more.

"It's all your f-fault that I became like t-this!" The man boomed.

He began breathing heavily. Suddenly, the man started laughing.

"You'll all p-pay." The man muttered.

"We never knew about this exit until now!" I shout.

He turn to me

"What?" he glared, "So you will leave behind my family and make them starve to death?"

I shook my head carefully.

He continued, "Don't worry... my family won't have to starve. I heard you guys talking about leaving, so I've made my family happy. I fed them the survivors. They tore their flesh... and bit them... and I wanted to join but... they bit me!"

He lifted and had shown us his left arm with the bite.

"But I'm hungry still... I want fresh meat..." he snickered.

He dropped his gun and bit off Quinn's ear. I heard Ruth shriek. We all began shooting at him since there was a small space between Quinn and him.

The man stumbled back and smiled. He fell to the floor and bled out. I lowered my gun.

"NO!" Annette cried.

She reached her hand out. She began scratching Miles and Charlie's face.

"Let go of me!" she cried.

Charlie and Miles let go of her, so Annette ran to Quinn who was laying down bleeding. I saw as Tilly and Ruth tried helping the poor baby girl. I look over to see Quinn's eyes beginning to close. She began coughing blood. I had a worried look on my face. I look on her stomach to reveal a huge bloodstain. She was shot.

I see Johnny running up to Quinn. He watched her as I watched him. My eyes began going blurry again, but this time I held it in. No more crying Alia. This is now the real world.

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