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Chapter 4


I couldn't believe my eyes. There was so many of them. We wouldn't be able to survive... Is this how I'm going to die?

Abella caught my attention. She exited the car and opened the trunk. Kenji and I exited the car.

There is no way of fighting. We are in the middle of traffic full of terrified people. We have to abound on this car!" Abella told us.

Tilly was behind us. She had her gun out.

"What are we gonna do?" Tilly asked in a frightened voice.

"Survive." Abella stated.

I helped out by grabbing the medical bag full of important medicine. Abella gave Kenji a pistol and Tilly a rifle. Abella had her sawed-off shotgun. But for me, I only have a knife and a gun i barely know how to shoot.

The horde was already ten cars away. People were screaming and running for their lives. I saw a family. There was a mom, a dad and a little girl. The infected had ripped the dad apart already. The mom was bit. But the daughter... she kept running. Her mom was gobbled up from the horde. The little girl kept running and running until... she tripped over a dead body. The body came back to life and chomped on her neck. I looked away in disgust and fear.

Abella grabbed the duffel bag full of weapons and the suitcase of food and water. Tilly took bottles of water and stuffed it in an extra duffel bag. Tilly took her two duffel bags. Kenji helped out by getting the blankets. We had to leave some food and water behind.

I ran back to our car and took the keys. I locked our car. I dashed to Tilly's car and took her keys. I saw in the back seat that there was water, food, and gasoline. I locked Tilly's car and ran back to the others.

The supplies were heavy no doubt, but without them, we wouldn't be able to survive. I had my knife in my hands as we ran across the giant highway. People pushed and ran away from the horde. The infected were already near us. Kenji shot at them on the head. Kenji was a good shot. I'm glad we found him.

We had finally made it across. At the end of the highway, there was a forest. We ran inside away from the people. We were slowing down because of all the supplies we were carrying. We passed a stream and some infected. Kenji and Tilly shot at them on the legs to disable their mobility. We had kept running and running. I was out of breathe. I had to keep going for the sake of my survival, but I had collapsed on the ground.

"Can- we- take- a- break?" I panted.

Abella, Tilly, and Kenji fell to the ground from exhaustion. Abella gave everyone water bottles. I drank mine as fast as lightning. There was a bit of water left. I poured it down my face to cool off. We all relaxed a bit and decided to talk.

"So Kenji, who are you?" Tilly asked.

Kenji looked up.

"I'm Kenji Yukimura. I'm Japanese too, and I also moved here to America when I was really young. I worked as a cashier in the gas station I blew up." He laughed.

Tilly spoke,"So how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen. I'm turning twenty in five months..."

Kenji looked down.

"Hopefully I make it to twenty..." He muttered.

I spoke up,"How did you learn how to shoot?"

He hesitated.

"I... practice." He replied.

"Guys," Abella interrupted,"We need to find somewhere to stay. It's almost sunset."

We got up and got our things. I held my knife tightly. Who knows what's out here in this forest.

We began going south from the highway. We all agreed that if we ever split up, meet at the highway. We had kept going until it was already dusk.

"I can't see anything..." Tilly complained.

"Get used to it. We'll be traveling like this for a while." Abella said.

We heard growling from a distance.

"Guys..." I frighteningly whispered.

My heart began beating faster. My hands began trembling.

"Someone... lights." Abella told.

I took my backpack off and dug through it. I found two red and reusable glow sticks. I turned both of them on. I tossed one over to Kenji. We could see around us. We looked for the growling. An infected leaped out of the bush. He began limping towards us.

"Stop! Don't shoot!" Abella whispered.

"You don't want to attract any more of them." She continued.

Abella put her gun down and took out her combat knife. She slowly walked towards it. She was ready to stick the metal inside the infected's brain, but something already got to it first. Or someone.

The infected's head was cut in half. The was a hatchet right in the middle. Blood sprayed all over Abella. The infected fell to the ground. Behind it was people. A group of people with weapons. The guy with the hatchet looked at us.

"Who... are you?" the guy asked.

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