Chapter 21.

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Jayden's POV

Leigha and I are watching TV together in our room just relaxing. She's been pretty sick the last couple of days, and I feel so bad. We've got our first doctor's appointment today. Leigha's cuddled into my side. I gently kiss her forehead and rub her shoulder.

"Are you excited?"

"I am. I can't wait to see our baby," I grin.

"Me too," Leigha smiles as she rubs my chest.

I smirk and can't help but flex a little for her. She grins more and kisses my jaw and neck. I take a deep breath and pull her on me so she's straddling my waist. She sits up and smiles at me. She rests her hands on my abs as I put my hands behind my head. I smile sup at her, just taking in her beauty.

"You're so beautiful. I love you so much," I smile.

"I love you too, Jay," she leans forward and hugs me.

I wrap my arms around her and smile. I gently massage her back as she plays with my hair. I look at the clock and see that we have about twenty minutes until we need to leave for the doctor. I'm about to suggest to Leigha that we get ready when she jumps up and runs to the bathroom.

I get up and follow her. She's hunched over the toilet throwing up. I grab a clip and pull her hair back and up. I rub her back and stand up. I grab a small towel and wet it. I walk back over to Leigha who's leaning against the bathroom wall. I sit down next to her and gently dab her face and chest with the wet towel. Leigha rests her head on my shoulder as I rub her thigh.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah," she wipes her mouth on the towel.

I kiss her forehead and and move my arm around her shoulders and hug her to me. I kiss her forehead again while softly whispering in her ear how much I love her.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be. This is your fault," she smiles at me.

"I know," I kiss her cheek, "I appreciate you."

"We should probably start getting ready to go to the doctor."

I nod and help her out of the bathroom. I pick out clothes for both of us. I quickly get dressed and then turn to make sure Leigha is okay. I pull her close and kiss her forehead. She wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my neck. I gently rub her lower back with my thumbs.

"You're going to be such an amazing mother. Just look at you and Daisy," I murmur.

"And you're going to be an amazing father," she smiles rubbing my cheek.

"Let's go," I take her hand and lead her out to my motorcycle, "you get on first."

Leigha nods and grabs her helmet. She puts it on and gets on. I put my helmet on and flip down the visor before getting on behind her. I wrap my arms around hers and start it. Leigha bends her legs back slightly so that I can balance us. I rev the engine a little bit before taking off. It's a nice drive through the city to the doctor's office.

I park my bike out front and kick down the stand. I jump off and then turn to help Leigha. I take off my helmet. Leigha giggles and motions for me to come closer. It sit back down and pull her in between my legs. She fixes my hair like usual and kisses my nose. I laugh softly and take her hand.

I open the door and follow her inside the building. We step into the elevator and head to the sixth floor. I gently run my fingers through her hair. She grins and hugs my arm. The elevator dings open, and we walk down the hall to the office.

I open the door again and take her helmet. She walks up to the desk and checks in before coming to sit next to me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kiss the side of her head.

"I love you," I whisper resting a hand on her stomach.

"I love you too," she smiles and looks up at me adoringly.

"I'm going to get a car for us. I can't be having our baby on a motorcycle," I say.

"Probably a good idea," she giggles.

"Leigha?" A nurse steps into the waiting room.

The two of us stand up and follow her into the back. She takes Leigha's temperature before getting her height and weight. We're lead to an exam room. I help Leigha up on to the exam table. I stand next to her and wrap an arm around her waist. I stay quiet as she answers questions about her health and family history.

"Okay, Dr. Gomez will be in shortly," the nurse smiles and walks out.

Leigha runs her fingers through my hair. She ruffs it up in an unnatural position and giggles as I frown. She parts it back to normal and fluffs it back the way it was before. I roll my eyes and kiss her quickly.

"Why do you always do that?"

"I like playing with your hair! It's soft and fluffy."

"Maybe I should just get you a puppy," I huff.

"Oooo! Yes! I'd love a puppy! I always wanted a dog, but Mother and Father said no because they didn't have time for one."

"Noted," I say as there's a knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Gomez," an older man walks in with a kind smile.

"Hi, I'm Jayden, and this is my wife, Leigha."

"Nice to meet you both," he shakes our hands.

"You too," Leigha says cheerfully.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I've been having a lot of morning sickness."

"That is one of the least fun parts of being pregnant," he nodded, "well let's get a look at your baby."

I help Leigha lay back. She rolls up her shirt and takes my hand. Dr. Gomez puts the gel on her stomach and begins to move it around with the ultrasound wand. It's not long before a steady heartbeat fills the room. Leigha squeezes my hand and looks up at me excitedly.

"Okay. There is your baby," Dr. Gomez smiles pointing at the screen.

"Oh wow," I breathe out.

"That's our baby," she grins at me. I kiss her forehead quickly.

"Our baby," I echo.

"Everything looks great. You seem to be about 14 weeks along."

"14 weeks?!" My voice goes up.

"Oh," Leigha bites her lip as I rub my face with my free hand.

"I will see you back here in 6 weeks. At that time, we should be able to tell what you're having," Dr. Gomez wipes the gel off her stomach, "give us a call if you have any questions."

"Will do," I nod.

He washes his hands and walks out the door. I help Leigha sit up and rub her back. She rests a hand on her stomach again. I can tell she's got about a million things on her mind.

"So I fought the Armada, while pregnant," she mumbled.

"It would seem that way," I nod stiffly, "I shouldn't have pushed you to go fight. I just knew you were ready, and it seemed like a great opportunity for you. I'm so sorry for putting you and our baby in danger like that."

"It's not your fault, Jay. I didn't know I was pregnant, so how could you have known?" She rubbed my cheek.

"I shouldn't have put you in that kind of danger to begin with. I'm sorry," I pull her in for a hug.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have known that the Armada would attack Rainbow's End. We can't live in fear. We just have to take it day by day and deal with whatever is thrown at us at the time."

"Coming from someone who constantly worries," I laugh.

"I'm trying to worry less. It's probably not great for the baby."

"Probably not. Let's go home."

A/N: I'm back! And I have like 4.5 more chapters done!

Caught in the Crossfire {Jayden Shiba/ Troy Burrows}Where stories live. Discover now