Chapter 3

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Leigha's POV

It's been three months since we moved to Harwood. Everything seems to be pretty much back to normal with Mom, Dad, Daisy, and Troy. Well as normal with Troy as it can be while he's off fighting the aliens. I've grown close to Emma and Gia and Daisy's made plenty of friends too. She likes to have play dates with them after school which is nice because it allows Troy and I to be able to hang out with our friends. It's not like I don't like watching Daisy but it's nice to be able to do normal teenage activities. Daisy is over at her friend Kenzie's, and Troy and I are curled up on my parents' bed watching a movie.

"This is the first relaxing Saturday we've had in a while," Troy sighs into my hair.

"I know. It's perfect but I have to leave pick up Daisy in about five minutes," I tell him and he groans.

"You can come!"

"Okay. Have you ever noticed all the weird looks we get when we pick Daisy up from school?"

"Yeah. They see us together and then her. Probably think we're teenage parents," I say.

"It's dumb. If they bothered to pay attention, they'd clearly hear us say siblings," Troy agrees. "We should probably go."

"Probably," I pause the movie and we roll off the bed to tug our Converse on I grab my house key and we head out. It's a short walk to Kenzie's and I see them waiting for us in the front yard when we get there.

"Hi, I'm Brooke, Kenzie's mom. You must be her mother," a perky blonde woman says and I grit my teeth, since she picked Daisy up.

"No. I'm her older sister. I take care of her while our parents are on business trips," I say faking a bright smile. Troy squeezes my hand and I take comfort in that.

"Oh. She talked about you as if you're her mom," Brooke back tracks.

"Yeah. Our parents are gone often so I've pretty much raised her since she was two," I explain.

"Big responsibility," she let's out a low whistle.

"I don't mind. Daisy! Come on! I found a good show for all of us to watch at home!" I say to Daisy who runs over and jumps into Troy and I.


"Now what do you say to Brooke?" Troy prompts.

"Thank you!"

"Any time sweetie. You guys have a good day!" Brooke smiles.

"Bye Daisy!" Kenzie says walking over to us.

"Bye!" Daisy waves as we walk away.

We get to our house and we walk upstairs. I lay down in Troy's arms and then Daisy climbs on top of us. I turn on the tv and flip to the saved shows I have.

"Tom and Jerry!" Troy grins.

"Yup! This was, and still is, Troy and I's favorite show growing up," I explain to Daisy.

"Ooooo," she smiles and I pull a blanket over us.

We're halfway through, and I'm dozing off listening to Troy's steady heart beat in my ear; Daisy has fallen asleep in between as well. His hand rubs my arm comfortingly. I look up at him drowsily with a smile while he presses play on to the next part of the Tom and Jerry set. I snuggle further into his arms and doze off again. Suddenly, there's an explosion close by that jolts us all up.

"They would interrupt our Saturday. I'll be back soon. Stay safe, you two," Troy stands up and we get up with him.

"Good luck, Troy," Daisy says earnestly with a smile.

Caught in the Crossfire {Jayden Shiba/ Troy Burrows}Where stories live. Discover now