Chapter 24

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Leigha's POV

I'm laying in the hammock watching Jayden train. I haven't been doing as much or any training because of the risk to our son. I love watching Jayden. His focus is unmatched—the way he gets in the zone and nothing can draw him out. I rest a hand on my stomach as I watch Jayden fight an invisible monster. I grin when I feel a small push against my hand.

"It's like you know, huh, baby boy?"

I hear a cheer from the other side of the training pad. Daisy is practicing kanji with Jii. Jii pats her on the back, nodding excitedly, and turns the paper for her. Daisy loves Jii. They get along really well.

Lauren moved back into the Shiba House about a month and a half ago—just a few days before our baby shower. She didn't want to miss anything with the baby. I've really enjoyed having her here. She's so sweet. She's currently back at the Tengen Gate helping out for the day.

I close my eyes and listen to Jii encouraging Daisy in between Jayden's fighting grunts. I smile and rub my stomach. With the gentle breeze, it's perfect weather. I'm completely content. I out a soft sigh as I start to doze off.

"GET INSIDE!" Jayden suddenly yells.

"Hm?" I ask groggily. I lift my head and see Jayden throw down his practice sword. He makes a beeline for me as Jii picks up Daisy and hurries towards the doors.

"EVERYONE! INSIDE NOW!" He grabs my hand and pulls me up.


"Not now," he says in a gruffer tone than I've ever heard from him. He holds my hand tightly in his and wraps his other arm around my back.

"Jay, you're scaring me!" I whisper as we walk through doors.

Only a couple seconds later, the sound of an explosion nearby shakes the house. I scream and cling on to Jayden as he covers me. There's another explosion that sounds like it was right next to or on top of us, and I start to panic a little bit.

"What's happening?" I wail.

"The final battle between Super Megaforce and the Armada. It's happening now."

"Oh my god," I cling on to Jayden's shirt.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay. We're safer here than anywhere else," he kisses my forehead.

"I'm scared. Is there gonna be another earthquake?" Daisy crawls over to me.

"I hope not," I pull her close and squeeze my eyes shut as there are more explosions.

"Come on. We need to get further into the house. We have a safe area," Jii ushers us up.

He and Jayden lead us to the middle of the Shiba house. He lifts open a door, and Jayden quickly scales down the ladder. He holds his arms up, and Jii hands Daisy down to him. Once Daisy is safely down, Jii helps me get my footing on the ladder. I feel Jayden's hands on my waist as I climb down. It's reassuring to me. I reach the last rung and step down.

The safe area is well furnished with sofas, chairs, a TV, a fridge, blankets, and pillows. It's much cooler than it is upstairs. I take Daisy's hand and walk her over to the sofa. I sit down and pull her close as Jii scales down the ladder.

"I'm going to call Lauren and the rest of the team. I'll be right back," Jayden says.

"You're going back up there?!" I whip around.

"Only part of the way up the ladder. I just need better service," he walks over to the sofa, "I'm not going far."

"Okay," I nod slowly and quickly lean up for a kiss.

He kissed me back gently. His fingers softly rub my cheek. He pulls away and scales part of the way up the ladder. Daisy lays her head against my stomach. Jii walls over and hands us water bottles.

"Thank you," I force a smile.

"Mhm," Jii grabs the TV remote and turns it on.

Every station has emergency coverage of the attacks. I sigh and run my fingers through Daisy's hair. I'm just glad that our parents aren't in the city. They're away on business now. There's another explosion near by,and Jayden jumps down the ladder. I squeeze my eyes shut and hug Daisy closer.

"Deep breaths," Jayden walks over and sits down next to me.

I nod and take a few shaky deep breaths. He wraps his arms around me and rests a hand on my stomach. I close my eyes and lay my hand on top of his. I chew on my lip. I lean my head against his chest. I can hear his heart beating steadily even with everything going on.

"Are Lauren and the rest of the team okay?" I ask softly.

"They're okay. Lauren's protecting the Tengen Gate, and the rest of my team are in the city," he says, but it's the next sentence that catches me off guard, "you know I have to go right?"

"What?!" My eyes fly open as I turn to look at him, "go out there?!"

"Yes. You, Jii, and Daisy are safe. But I can't hide. I have to go help the people who aren't lucky enough to have a safe space like this."

"Jayden," I whisper, feeling my chest tighten. I know he's right. I know he swore to protect the Earth, and right now, it needs all its heroes.

"Leigha, I have to," he presses his forehead against mine. He gently rubs my cheek.

"I know," I close my eyes. I wrap my arms around him. There's a series of explosions that sound like they're right on top of us. I cringe into Jayden, and I hear Daisy scream too.

"Please be careful, Jay. I need you. We need you," I move one of his hands to my stomach.

"I'll be back. I promise."

He kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel him rubbing my stomach. There are a few kicks as if our son knows his dad is there. He gently kisses the side of my head and hugs me tightly.

"I love you, Jayden," Daisy says.

"I love you too, Daisy," he smiles and picks her up.

Jii walks over and pats him on the shoulder, "I'm very proud of you, Jayden. I know you're going to come back. You always do."

"Thank you, Jii. And thank you for watching after Leigha, Daisy, and my son. It's easier to leave knowing they're in safe hands."

All four of us hug quickly. It's interrupted by another explosion. Jayden pulls away from the group. I pull Daisy into my side and bite my lip. Jii wraps his arm around my shoulders comfortingly.

"I'll be back tomorrow. I promise," he smiles at me.

"Okay," I nod, "good luck. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes you will," he kisses me one last time before climbing up the ladder.

Caught in the Crossfire {Jayden Shiba/ Troy Burrows}Where stories live. Discover now