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Initiation had ended almost ten years ago and sitting here in the infirmary, taking care of wounds of a soon-to-be dauntless member, gave back all the feelings I've had back then. The joy, the excitement but at the same time the anxiety, the curiosity and the cluelessness of what was about to come once initiation would be over.

Though, time after that wasn't as spectacular as everyone thought it would be. There was not as much action; actually there was barely any action at all. No major rioting among the factionless that needed to be resolved or other conflicts where the dauntless had to step in. If only my younger self knew about what was going to happen in the near future.

Apart from the weekly physical and mental training we had to go through to keep us in shape, finding a suitable job within the faction was the only thing we had to do alongside being a soldier. For some it was easy because they had clear visions of what they wanted to do. Some went on the path of leadership, some wanted to become "pure soldiers" -so are the ones called who devote every hour, every day, every year to being an obedient soldier under the leader's words- in order to keep order among the factionless and the factions. Others, like me, found a place in the infirmary.

"Your wounds are all patched up now. I still need you to stay here just so I can make sure that your concussion is not having any further effects on you and to look after your wounds but it won't be for more than one day. Get yourself some rest now." I said to the dark-blonde girl that was laying in front of me.

Right as I exited the patient's room to make myself a coffee to stay awake - it was already 10 o'clock in the evening and I've been up since 5am - someone entered the room. It was Eric in his usual soldier-like stance and neutral face.

"Hello Eric. You are here for the papers, right?"

"Not quite. Max sent me to inform you about a meeting we are having in a couple of minutes. Bring the papers and contracts with you because you might have to update everyone on the progress."

I sighed in frustration. "Please tell me that there are only good news because I'm really not in the mood for handling bad news."

"Well, I can't tell you any further information right now because I don't know either so we both will have to see what the meeting is about. Now let's go, we're running late!"

With that I grabbed the folder with everything I had to present and we both headed for the Meetings Hall in a hurried walk, almost a jog.
A few moments later, Eric and I arrived at the Hall's entrance where we split from the rest of the group of Chiefs and headed straight to the stage, where Max, the faction's head, prepared his speech.

"Finally." he said when he spotted us two.

"Max, what's going on? What's happening?" I asked him.

"You will see in a minute." he replied. " Do you have the papers with you?" I nodded. "Good. Listen closely, you too Eric! There are some news about our upcoming mission which are the reason for this conference. Vinnie, after I finish informing and explaining everything, I will call you onto the stage so you can update us on the medical aspects. Eric, you will have to observe the audience because their reaction will be crucial later. Pay close attention to whoever is showing negative reactions. I will have you tell me their names later. Do you both understand?" We nodded once and got into our positions at the side of the stage while Max stepped behind the microphone.

Everyone went silent in a matter of seconds.

"Let's come straight to the point." Max started. He knew he didn't have to thank everyone for being here, because it was a Dauntless Chiefs duty to attend meetings like these. "I have some good and bad news regarding our upcoming mission. The good news is: Erudite managed to finish the production of the transmitters and serums and they also perfected the analyzers three months early. With that, Jeanine also told us that she wanted to start the whole mission early but that's where the bad news comes. After some further looking into, we realized, that we, the Dauntless, do not have as many soldiers as we thought we would have. We planned on having one soldier per targeted person to grant the mission's success and security and we also wanted to keep patrol groups in the other factions just in case a riot starts. The thing is, the initiates, not counting dauntless-born and transfers together makes them 243 individuals to be exact, will graduate in a week and they are therefore not ready for the mission unless you, Four and Eric, manage to change the training plan. Apart from the initiates, we have 1,280 pure soldiers but, if you do the math, that's obviously not enough. Abnegation has over 2,000 members and we can only go with our original plan if we send the patrol with the soldiers and add the initiates. But, if Erudite agrees, we can ask them for help as well. So, having said that, I also wanted to ask everyone who is present to give me suggestions, which you can tell me in my office once this meeting is over.
Now let's come to another point that may or may not help with our decision. Vinnie, your turn."

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