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Warning: language, violence and death ahead


"Freyr behind you!" shouted Vinnie, her voice only barely audible over the shots and explosions surrounding them.

Freyr turned around immediately and quickly eliminated a small group of Divergent that were approaching him.

The field was a mess. Two parties shot each other, stabbed when shooting wasn't an option or threw countless grenades at the opponents while buildings exploded and collapsed in the distance, burying countless people in debris.

Vinnie shot a couple of Divergent members not too far away and quickly scanned her surroundings. Her eyes caught sight of a little girl, she looked like she was about three or four years old, about 30 feet away but before Vinnie could even take off towards the child, it was too late.
A soldier, standing closely behind the little girl, aimed at her and didn't hesitate on shooting her. The little girl fell forward and the only thing Vinnie could see from this distance was the blood coating the purple clothing of the little corpse.

Vinnie knew it was wrong. All of this was wrong but shooting innocent children that didn't even understand the situation was unforgivable and beyond honorless.
It was ironic. Vinnie thought about how wrong this war against the sixth faction was yet she was technically one of them who chose a different faction and lied so she could protect herself while hundreds of her own kind died. She was aware that this made her the biggest traitor in existence.

An explosion in the near distance caught her attention. Freyr was still eliminating one Divergent after the other while she found some targets herself. After those were eliminated she came out of her hiding spot to find more people. Some opponents were hiding in buildings shooting from the windows in higher stories. Vinnie quickly shot them as well and watched how some of the dead bodies fell out of the windows and landed on the concrete sidewalks below.
It wasn't a pretty sight yet it made a good job at fueling Vinnies drive and reminding her what she was here for.

As she was standing in an intersection, she kept eliminating more and more people. Her team was widely scattered now compared to when they invaded the faction which left her and Freyr in this area alone.
Frank, her brother, and Eric were with them in the beginning, too, but got called to assist in a more crowded and risky area.

The intersection, buildings included, seemed to have quieted down so Freyr and Vinnie took the chance to take a deep breath and relax for a second still keeping a close eye on their surroundings.

But, oh, was that a wrong thing to do.

Freyr just started reloading his gun when a distinct shot of a sniper could be heard in the distance. The bullet immediately buried itself in its targets thigh making her cry out in pain and drop her gun.

"Fuck! Ow, fuck fuck fuck!" shouted Vinnie while holding her thigh to examine her leg even though it was hard to focus due to the pain.
Her boyfriend rushed to her as soon as he comprehended what had just happened and helped her sit down to take care of the wound but not without earning more profanities.
Another shot followed and hit the other leg making Vinnie cry out even more. Freyr on the other hand whirled his head around to look for the sniper yet there was nothing he could see without needing field glasses.

"I know you're in pain but we have to get you out of the intersection, okay?" Freyr said, putting an arm around her while she put her own around his shoulders. Vinnie winced in pain though tried walking with him as much as she could even with a gun shot wound in each leg.
She felt the warm blood leaking out of the wounds and flowing down her legs.
Too weak to properly lift her legs, Vinnie tripped on debris and fell pulling Freyr with her but both managed to somehow cushion the impact a bit.
It was oddly quiet when they lay there though the silence was quickly disrupted by metal hitting the ground, rolling somewhere near them and exploding before they could comprehend what the object was.
The shock wave washed over them not long after that followed by heat and flames coming from where they were just a few minutes ago.

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