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It's been weeks since Eric last talked to Max but never during this time had he stopped going over the things he wanted to say to him

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It's been weeks since Eric last talked to Max but never during this time had he stopped going over the things he wanted to say to him. The paperwork given to him was tiring and seemed to be never ending but once done, Eric didn't hesitate on bringing the damned stack back and finally confronting the head of the faction.

The time off was supposed to keep him away from the action, to make him calm down after everything that had happened recently but Eric never was at rest; at least mentally. He realized that the punishment achieved exactly what Max wanted. Keeping Eric away so he would be completely alone with himself and the chaos in his head.
It exhausted him, Eric realized. With regular training and a regulated schedule, he was distracted from his inner turmoil or other problems though with the absence of that routine, it became impossible to ignore his thoughts no matter how hard he tried.
In the beginning he kept thinking about the letter. He was never able to find it again after he had thrown it against the door and it gave him mixed feelings; on one hand he was relieved to never have to see it again, on the other hand it worried him deeply. Did someone read it? What would happen if the person couldn't keep it to themselves and what would he do once the information got out?
He also couldn't help wanting the letter back even though it contained those big lies and betrayal; despite the harsh truth in the letter, there were still words that somehow soothed him.

"Step inside." ordered Max after Eric knocked on the office door, doing what he was told. He put the stack of folders down on the desk but kept standing with his feet shoulder width apart and arms behind his back. "Good. You finally finished. Your next task is already waiting."
Eric just nodded in return.
"You already know that Four and Tris escaped. Your mission will be to retrieve them and if that's not possible, kill them. Further information, including location and witness reports, are in this file." Max said monotonously.

Eric nodded in return, signalizing that he understood his orders but instead of leaving again, he kept standing, mentally debating whether he should finally talk to his leader or let it be. He knew he had to talk - the need to speak to someone after the latest events increased each passing day - but the task turned out to be harder than he thought. After all, the only person he really ever opened up to in a long time was Vinnie.
Max only watched him intently - seeing clearly that the soldier before him wanted to get something off his chest - as Eric mentally imagined himself climbing over a wall that kept him from talking symbolically.

Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"Permission to talk freely, Sir?"

"Granted," Max nodded, "sit down."

He complied and spoke again after some hesitation. "It's about Vinnie." he paused, "everything about her death is preventing me from getting any rest. I need to know more about the circumstances. How and why she died and how you can be so sure that she's dead considering her missing body."

Max gave him a quick glance before clearing his throat. "Unfortunately, I can't give you exact answers but this is all we know.
It must have happened at the end of the turmoil, after she spotted Tris. She was last heard on radio reporting Tris' route but after that there was no one who has heard nor seen her. The only thing we found was her backpack close to her original post as well as a weapon next to it and a weapon in the next alley."
The Dauntless leader had to pause when he noticed the hope in Eric's eyes fading and sadness setting in.
"According to Helen, someone stationed in close proximity, there were several shots being fired after Vinnie entered the alleyway where Mrs. Prior has been shot. Unfortunately, Helen never had the chance to look for her much less identify the killer."

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