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Warning: kind of smut at the end but nothing too graphic

A knock on the door woke me up, making me jolt up from the couch. Apparently, yesterday was a very exhausting day because otherwise I would've made it to my bed before I fell asleep.

Rubbing my stiff neck I looked at my watch and opened the door but before I had a chance to say something the visitor already stepped inside my apartment.

"Eric you better have a valid reason to be waking me up at five in the morning on my free day." I said groggily while turning on the coffee machine once I'd arrived in the kitchen. Eric leaned against the kitchen counter right next to me after he took out two mugs.

"I need you to train with me." He simply said and crossed his arms.

I rubbed my still tired eyes and ignored his request until after I poured coffee into the cups. "No."

"Vinnie. This is not a kind offer you can just decline."

"First of all, give me some time to wake up. Second of all, I'm not your dog to command around. Just train by yourself, you're doing it already, right?"

"I do. Though this is not about me but more about you." He answered, following me to the couch.

"Thank you for your concern but I don't need a babysitter anymore and I'll be perfectly fine by myself." I said before I took a sip of the much needed coffee.

"Are you sure? Because last time plan x was called it didn't have a great ending for you after your broth-"

"Don't mention it!" I snapped and shot death glares at him.

It was silent for a couple of minutes and Eric just concentrated on impaling the coffee with his icy blue eyes.

"Ok fine. I'll do it. But I do have one condition." Eric looked at me, waiting to hear what I wanted. "You never mention anything about that again and you pay for a massage."

Eric just scoffed in return and put the now empty mug onto the coffee table. "Anything else, princess? Golden shoes? A mansion?"

"You know what? Fuck you, Coulter."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

Silence spread again and we sat on the couch together just looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows and at the landscape and the sunrise that was illuminating the fields and ruins covering miles and miles of the city.
Just before I could relax and fall asleep again, Eric cleared his throat, stood up and made his way to the door. "Be at my place after breakfast so we can start training. I'll make us something for lunch and dinner."

Before I could complain again or even huff, he was out and then the door slammed shut, leaving me no other chance but to get ready and get breakfast.

Fortunately, the dining hall was mostly empty at this time in the morning - it was not even 6:30 o'clock - and I was able to enjoy my sandwich in silence before a certain someone would relentlessly kick my ass and my guts later.
No matter how great Eric's muscles were to look at, many people got sucked into a ban, completely forgetting what he was capable of doing with those and that he didn't hold back his strength in combat training no matter what.
I made my way to Eric's apartment, already dressed in the right attire, and got let in immediately after I knocked.
We made our way up to the second story of his apartment that served as a private gym and started warming up before we switched to real training.

"You're not as out of shape as I thought you would be." Eric said while I altered between punching and kicking a punching bag.

"I'm in the infirmary almost all day every day and my patients keep me running so there's no chance I'm out of shape."

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