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"Come on! Faster! Faster!" Vinnie demanded loudly, her tone pregnant with boredom.
"Come. On! If you keep crawling like that, we'll be here until tomorrow!"

A new badge of initiates had had arrived and Vinnie had been assigned to train the transfers with Eric, who was preparing the knifes and guns in another part of the hall.
Almost all of them, with five exceptions, got through the simulation part successfully and were now in the beginning stages of the physical part.

"Please..." a boy panted as he came to a halt in front of her, hunched over with his hands on his knees. "We... we can't... we need a break."

"From what. From crawling? You don't get a break until I see real running so stop whining and start running!"

"We beg you!" another girl pleaded out of breath. "We're sorry for what happened to your brother but that doesn't mean that you can take it out on us."

"Watch your mouth, initiate." Vinnie spat and approached her until their faces were mere inches apart. "Another word about my brother and I'll make you clean the latrines with your bare hands."

The girl's eyes widdened in horror. "You can't do that!"

"Oh, are you challenging me?"

The same girl shook her head quickly and stepped back to join the others again, or rather the ones that weren't standing at the side, trying not to pass put.
One or two were in a corner, sharing a bucket to throw up into because they weren't used to so much exercise; a handful were still running at the front of the group while the majority was trudging along, barely hanging on.
This wasn't what Vinnie originally planned on doing. She wanted to take the offer and become a leader, learning first hand by Max's side, but because of her injury, months of recovery and the loss of many important people, some changes had had to be made.
Frank was supposed to train the initiates alongside Eric but that obviously wasn't possible anymore so his sister took his place instead.

She thought it wouldn't be a problem, after all she offered to do this, but it turned out to be worse than she had anticipated.
The initiates quickly found out about Vinnie's achievements and graduation score, earning her a lot of respect but then they found out about other, more personal things. Like the death of her brother and boyfriend. Soon, the respect slipped away and the initiates started pitying her, trying to use the opportunity to make her let loose during the training.
Unfortunately for them, Vinnie realized very quickly what they were trying to do which only pissed her off even more. She was already annoyed at how they pitied her so when she realized the rest, her training techniques only got worse and worse the more they tried to use her.
The same happened to Eric. He hated how the initiates lost respect and didn't take him and Vinnie seriously. He hated how not only the initiates, but other members of Dauntless made him feel so vulnerable and disrespected. For a short time, being a leader seemed like a joke because the expectations he had had of this position weren't met, which made him have to change his approach and the person others should see in him. In the beginning he didn't plan on being like this. He didn't want to be respected because of the fear of what he was capable of. He wanted to be respected for his strength and knowledge, he expected the initiates to want to learn from him like he was their big brother but unfortunately it didn't work out and here he was.

Vinnie huffed in annoyance, having to accept that the results really couldn't get any better today. "Fine... You get ten minutes. After that you'll be training with Eric."
A couple of relieved sighs and 'hallelujahs' could be heard but Vinnie couldn't pay attention to any of the initiates because Max approached her.
"Hello, Sir." she greeted, her tone still monotonous.

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