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Don't you know I'm a,
내가 이끄는 boss—

The music was so loud, the chorus was starting to annoy her. She rolled her eyes as she huffed her cheeks in annoyance. At least the loud music and the strong liquor was what kept her from thinking about her pathetic life. That was better, for the least.

The girl stirred the drink in her glass, it had been minutes, probably hours since she'd been doing that and she couldn't think straightly on what to do next that would keep her occupied. Dancing was just a no, it's a freeway ticket to getting harassed in her opinion, so yeah, I'm good.

The bartender lifted another bottle, offering her for another glass as she gulped the one she was holding but declined his offer. He pulled his lips into a thin smile before entertaining others at the bar. Cute, she chuckled alone.

He looked her age, probably single to be spending his night in a bar instead of his girlfriend's house on a Saturday night.

Cute indeed, but not enough for her to fall for. An eye candy? Definitely. Commitment and dating?Nope, not after she just got her heart crushed. Not after a lie, after trusting a cute guy as well.

On second thought—
She lifted her glass and it caught the bartender's attending; instantly pouring another drink for her.

He had a blonde hair, cat eyes with a million dollar smile. It almost reminded of her cute guy as well, if he wasn't such an ass who cheated on her.

"That's like your seventeenth glass." He commented with a grin as he poured down another for her. "Oh, so you've been watching me." The girl replied which probably caught the male red handed as he gazed at her. However, as the two made eye contact they ended up laughing.

He kept his grin and pushed the glass towards her. "So tell me, what is a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" He asked, obviously making a move. He leaned forward, one of the benefits loud music brings; intimacy.

"A pretty girl like me prefers to get drunk all by herself." She raised her glass and pointed one finger to him before swallowing the amount in her cup.

"Would this pretty girl like to accompany me after my shift then?" His grin gotten wider as he poured yet another drink for her. The girl almost scoffed. "Really, you're asking a drunk girl out? Fancy taste you've got there." She chuckled, obviously tipsy. She was thinking for a while, because the guy seemed nice but after what she had been through today.

However, after giving it some thought, she knew it was better for her to decline. She didn't want to wake up with regret on someone else's bed tomorrow.

"I wouldn't come with him if I were you."

The two of them snapped their focus on a voice next to her. She looked at him, confused. When did he even get there, she wouldn't notice but why was he interrupting them? Was she that drunk to not recognise someone she was supposed to?

"Ah Doyoung, always trying to expose me, huh?" The bartender said as the two males started fist bumping or whatever as she was too drunk to describe. "I'm doing the lady a favour." The guy named Doyoung replied with a cool smile.

It barely looked like a smile. It was as if he was mocking the male. Assuming their little bicker, it only meant they were close.

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