An introduction.

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Here are a few words from me that just have to be said.

Obviously there is a disclaimer because this story contains
1.) violence
2.) sexual content
3.) angst or whatever you might call it and
4.) fluff and fun times though this obviously doesn't need a disclaimer haha.

Also I obviously didn't make up all characters, that was Veronica Roth's work with a few exceptions. The plot is definitely altered though there are still ties to the original story.

Please don't read the following story if it doesn't suit your age although I know you're cheeky and will still do it. ;)

Anyway, that was everything from me.

Enjoy the story and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated!

PS.: Does anyone even still read Eric Coulter fan fiction? Or Divergent fan fiction in general?

PPS.: I apologize for any grammar-mistakes. If you happen to notice errors, please message me and I'll fix it. English is not my native language so stuff like that can and will happen.

PPPS.: Images are not mine unless stated otherwise.

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