Can I just

122 13 5

Get the shiny?

Anyways I'm done with that for today

Gonna go to bed I think

Think of some stuff to write


I miss Grace and Lilly

Anyone know where they went?

Probably not


Idk whether to write Lona or to write some Pokémon Ranger sh*t

Knowing my dumb a$$ I'll probably decide that writing a whole Pokémon Ranger story is a good idea when it indeed, is not

Since BTLOTFW and Say Anything aren't anywhere near finished


I'm trash

And I've got an AU draft sitting in the AU book waiting to be finished

Also I've got an ITPCHFB2 chapter to write

Also also I've been listening to some of the Fairy Tail soundtrack and I can't stop send help

(Don't send help)

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