Smol stuff (I actually wrote something?)

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As Moon and Gladion cuddled on the couch watching a movie, Moon said, "Gladion?"

"Hmm?" Gladion hummed.

"I love you." Moon said, snuggling into her boyfriend's embrace.

Suddenly, Moon heard sniffles coming from the boy. She looked up at him and saw tears running down his face.

"G-Gladion?! Why are you crying?!" Moon asked, shocked.

Gladion sniffled, "I love you, too."


"Ow!" Gladion hissed, pulling his hand away from the papers he held.

"What's wrong?" Moon asked.

"Paper cut." Gladion grumbled, showing Moon the new cut on his finger.

Moon gasped and grabbed Gladion's hand, "Does it hurt? Are you okay? Do you need a band-aid? Let's go wash it out. Don't touch any lemon juice!"

Gladion frowned, "Babe I'll be fi-"

"-Let's go clean your cut."

Gladion chuckled and rolled his eyes as his girlfriend dragged him to the nearest sink to clean his paper cut.


"N, Honey, can you pass me the flour?" Hilda asked, grabbing other various cake ingredients.

N nodded and grabbed the flower from its pot on the windowsill. He handed Hilda the flower.

Hilda sighed, "No, N. The flour."


Hilda giggled and wrapped her arms around N, "Silly grasshead." She said, pulling away slightly and taking the flower from N's hand. N's hands drifted to Hilda's waist as she reached up and pit the flower in N's hair.

"Honey," She said, "Cooking flour."

N's face lit up, "Oh!"

Hilda chuckled and placed a kiss on N's lips, "I love you, silly."


Lyra searched her house top to bottom for her husband, but to no avail. She sighed, about to give up, until she saw him through the glass sliding door in the dining room, sitting on the patio.

He sat on the patio step right outside the door. Rain poured down outside, but he remained dry because of the small portion of the roof that hung over its walls. Normally on a sunny day it provided a small amount of shade, but today it provided shelter from the rain.

Lyra slid the glass doors open, "Hey..." she said.

Silver didn't turn, "Hey."

Lyra sat next to the redhead, watching the rain pour down from the sky.

Lyra rested her head on Silver's shoulder. Silver placed his hand on Lyra's thigh and rested his head on hers.

"Sorry." Lyra said.

"For?" Silver asked.

"Always starting stupid fights with you."

Silver chuckled, "Don't be sorry. We're rivals till the end, remember?"

"Rivals till the end..."

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