Chapter 38

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Minho's pov

"You seriously believe that those two Shanks are from another world?"
     Newt turned his attention to me. He was lying in his bed, just like me, both ready to fall asleep. Only I couldn't. The story Cally had told us was still fresh on my mind, and I wanted to know more.
     "At first, I did, but like I said, now I think those developers did something to their brains." Newt answered my question honestly, repeating his words from before. 
     "Cally seemed surprised when you said that."
     "Yeah, I hadn't told her what I really thought." There was a trace of regret in his voice. "We don't talk that much 'bout her past, ya know. I think she was tryin' to avoid the subject, but now Ezra is here that's not really an option anymore."
     "At least it does make sense now." I said after a short pause.
     "What does make sense now?"
     I turned myself from looking at the ceiling to looking at Newt, "Why the Shank is so invested with the Greenie. And why she forgave him so fast for hitting her, I thought she had a crush on him or something."
     Newt laughed shortly, "I could've told ya way sooner that she hasn't."
     "How so?" I questioned eagerly with a raised eyebrow and smirk on his face. "Are you two a thing now?"
     Before I knew it, Newt's pillow hit me in the face, "I already told ya that's not gonna happen, you bloody Slinthead."
     "Yes, but you didn't tell me why." I groaned as I threw the pillow back.
     Newt caught the pillow, put it under his head again, and lay down. Once his eyes were at the ceiling, he answered, a trace of discomfort in his tone. " 'Cause she has a boyfriend."
     "What?" I shot up from my lying position for a moment, "which Shank is it? Is it Gally? It better not be Gally."
     "No, not in the Glade." Newt sighed, rubbing his eyes. "At home. She has a boyfriend where she came from. Wherever that may be."
     "Ow, that sucks! I was convinced I would win that bet." Before I realized what I had said, it had already left my mouth.
     Newt also sat up straight now, "the what? You had a bet? What 'bout? With who?"
     I sighed, "with Frypan. He thought Cally and Gally would end up together, I was convinced it would be you and Cally. But I guess we were both wrong."
     Newt laughed in disbelief, "That's why you were so invested with our relationship.... You two are unbelievable, ya know that, right? Bettin' on who Cally has a crush on... what would ya get if ya had won anyway?"
     I shrugged, not really caring about what Newt thought of our bet, I had expected him to disagree with it anyway. "If I won, I would get the recipe of Frypan's special stuff."
     "And if he won?"
     "I would've to walk around without my pants for two days."
     Now Newt started laughing again, "That's the stupidest bloody bet I've ever heard of."


Cally's pov

The next morning, I woke up feeling terrible. I almost hadn't slept at all. Not that not getting enough sleep was weird for me, but this time, it was worse. I was already wide awake before the sun had started to fill the Glade with its morning lights.
    After about an hour of not being able to fall asleep again, I decided to get dressed and go see if there was some food ready.
     Bark and I got downstairs before the first Runner had gotten out of bed, at least before he had gotten downstairs. There were some of the Cooks walking around the place, we'd say good morning to each other, but we didn't really talk much.
     I sat down on a table somewhere in the back corner of the kitchen. I had stolen some food when Fry wasn't paying attention and had started on the apple. Of course, I had already given Bark her food, hoping it would stop her for begging for mine. It hadn't.
     After some time, the Runners started to fill the kitchen, and most of them didn't even notice me sitting in the back. But then Minho came down from the stairs.
     My chest tightened. I didn't really know if I could just act as I normally do around him. I hadn't talked to him at all since last night, so I didn't know if he was angry at me or not. He hadn't seen me look at him yet, so I turned my attention to Bark. Pretending that I hadn't seen him to avoid confrontation.
     Apparently, he did see me, 'cause he had walked up to me. "may I sit here?" He asked. He never asks me. He just does.
     I looked up, "yeah sure, sit."
     He sat down in front of me, putting his food down, but he didn't start eating immediately like he normally did. Instead, I could feel his eyes locked on me. I was trying to avoid eye contact, but he was making me really uncomfortable, so I looked up to him, "why are you staring at me?"
     "I was thinking."
     "Ow, that's never a good sign." I said, teasing him, but my little smile disappeared when I saw his serious expression. "Sorry..." I mumbled while biting down on my bottom lip.
     Silence fell, where I just looked down at my plate, but Minho's eyes still burned into me. I wanted to disappear, get away from whatever was going on between us. I was about to get up and walk away from the awkward situation when Minho started laughing. And not just some small chuckle, no no, he was holding his stomach, his loud voice attracting unwanted attention. 
     Alarmed, I looked up at him. "Minho, what the hell?"
     It took a while before he was able to respond. "Are we really gonna act like this? I mean, com'n Cally."
     "So.... you're not angry? Like, at all?"
     "No, of course not. Well, I was a little angry last night, but I had a talk with Newt afterwards, and I'm not anymore."
     Relieved, I let out a deep sigh and laughed a little myself. "Wow... you have no idea how a relief that is for me."
     Minho still had a smile on his face, "really?"
     "Yes, of course, Pretty boy. For a moment, I was afraid I had lost my big brother."
     "So, that's still okay?" His eyes held a vulnerability I didn't see often in them, it made my expression soften as I nodded.
     "Why shouldn't it be?"
     "Because your real brother is the new Greenie."
     I laughed again, "Just because we're twins doesn't mean I would replace you with him. I've got news for ya shank. Family, don't end in blood."
     "Ah! Did I hear a quote from the great Bobby Singer?" I looked up to see Ezra, a plate of food in his hands. I could see Minho's expression change to annoyance and had to hide a laugh.
     So he still isn't a fan of Ezra... well that'll be fine.
     "Morning Ez," I said while he sat down beside me, "and yes, I quoted Bobby, but did you have to say that? Pretty boy here was just thinking of how impressed he was with my wisdom." I smirked at Minho, but I knew he knew I was joking.
     "Yeah, sure, you just keep on dreaming, Shank." He said, smirking back at me.
     The loud sound of the doors opening disturbed our conversation. Even though I've heard the sound over 100 times, I still crimp in a little every time that I heard the ear-splitting noise.
     "Well, it's time for me to leave," Minho said.
     "Don't be ridiculous, Minho, you haven't even finished your food yet." I said while eating some of mine. "You're not leaving until you ate." 
     Ezra laughed, "Ow, Mama Callidora is back in the house!" He exclaimed with a big grin on his face, making Minho snicker. Getting me to shoot both of them a death glare. I actually thought things would be better with Ezra here, but it turned out it only got more annoying. Great.


Edited: 21/12/20

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