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There stood high school detective Kudo Shinichi, his hair purposely messed up, and his eyes displaying shock while he was mentally slapping himself hard on the face.

Great idiot, you had to make a slip-up.

'Kudo,' Shiho hissed under her breath.

Anger and sadness wash over her at once. It was all too much. Her eyes watered up with tears that inevitably was going to flow out.

'Listen, I can explai-'

'I don't need any explanation,' Shiho gritted her teeth, trying not to place attention on herself.

Shiho quietly ran outside as Shinichi followed.

He grabbed her wrists, 'it's not what you think-'

'It's not what you think?' the moonlight was casting a shadow behind her, 'listen Kudo Shinichi don't play tricks on me. I had feelings for you when we were in our shrunken state. But I knew you already had feelings for Ran so I decided to stay away, I wanted my feelings for you to fade, that's why I made a drug for me to lose my memory, but you had to be the detective you are and regain it.  But at the same time, you regained my feelings for you, you raised my hopes up and now you think dancing with me as Kaitou Kid will make me feel better?' she blurted out.

Even Shiho was shocked by her sudden outburst, it was so out of her usual self. Blood rushed through her veins, adrenaline pumping through her body. Tears fell freely from her eyes, burning her cheek as the breeze grew into a heavy wind. 

She regretted saying those words out loud, she really did. She didn't know how she would act in future around Shinichi.

But all she knew right now is that she cannot tell him that she saw Ran and him at the mall.

Shinichi took a step towards her, finding her incredibly beautiful under the moonlight.

'Don't,' she hissed venomously, her aquamarine eyes piercing through his, 'I will not make the same mistake again, from now on we are complete strangers, I don't wanna have anything to do with you,'

His eyes rested on the strawberry blonde as he attempted to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear-only to be swiftly slapped away by her cold hands. 


The noise pierced through his ear as he stared from his red hands to the enraged scientist. But Shinichi did not feel the striking pain in his hands at all, he could only think about the huge wound in his crestfallen heart.

The pain was indescribable, never in his life has he suffered as heavy pain as the one he's feeling right now. It's like he couldn't breathe, and even if he did, every breath would be hard and agonizing, stabbing his lungs as he felt the emptiness in his heart. His vision was blurred out by tears, his legs were begging him to give in. 

If there was such thing as the worst sickness in the world, this would be it. 

He was trapped under all this sadness and misery, and the person who caused it, was the person who could solve it.

Ironic, eh?

'You saw Ran and I in the mall, didn't you,' he questioned, facing down, his hair covering his eyes. 

Silence developed between them, she simply stared at the ground, as if that was her answer.

His mind suddenly flashbacked to a certain moment.


Shinichi and Ran rushed back to his house, he had spent too much time in the mall, he'd lost track of time. They were in their formal clothes, Shinichi in a dark blue tuxedo and Ran in an angel-like white dress, decorated with laces.

Shoot shoot shoot shoot.

He wanted to slap himself hard across his face, he was too carried away he forgot the most important thing. Furrowing his eyebrows in an agitated manner, he increased his speed. He didn't care about his racing heart, didn't care about his shortage of breath, didn't care about his aching head. The only thing he could care about was Shiho.

When he finally reached the mansion, he stopped, clasping his knees as he huffed heavily, his mouth already dried out. He felt his vision deteriorate, reaching for his head as if trying to ease his agonizing headache. Sweat dripped down his sleeve, as he opened one eye to see what was going inside of the mansion.

Everything stopped as his eyes saw Shiho.

He stopped puffing, he forgot about his pain, and his eyes met the absolutely breathtaking Shiho.

With Rei.

With Furuya fu**ing  Rei.

Ran rushed in, she stopped to catch her breath before seeing what Shinichi was staring at. She widened her eyes as she glanced pitifully at the detective.

Why, why am I saw flippin' useless.

He collapsed, his heart along with it, staring disbelievingly at the dancing couple. He felt hurt, yet at the same time, he knew part of it was his fault. Shinichi hung his head low, gazing blankly towards the ground, he can almost be sure he can hear the sound of his heart being torn into pieces.

But I'm not adequate enough to pick the pieces up.  

A/N: Ok the assignments are fading away so I think I'll have more time to work on this. Anyways, I censored out the fu**ing thing because I don't like swearing, but I think that word is the best to describe Shinichi's feelings then, so from now on, if the characters swear, then I'll censor some letters out, but you would get the message.

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