The Date

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She stood before the restaurant, Italian letters dances in bright colors across the building above the doors. Dark brick decorated the siding along with beautiful artwork. Men and women walked in and out of the busy restaurant. All were dressed in formal and expensive clothing. Some of the dresses were decked with gems and of the finest silk. She looked down to her casual dress, it was a dark maroon. Instead of silk hers was made of cotton.

The looked to her in odd ways, certainly not in friendly ways. Lia grabbed her small purse tightly, playing with the zipper to ease herself. They looked confused to why she was there. One lady with her blond hair in a tight bun even pointed at her as she whispered to her friend.

With a nervous sigh she walked into the restaurant. Her steps were uneven from her nervousness. She was so nervous she almost forgot how to put her feet in front of the other. She pulled at the zipper. Squeezing it, she felts it's contents inside.

The bright welcoming esthetic seemed to become more of a lie with each shaky step. The music inside was playing soft jazz with many voices flowing together out the door. Every man walking in or out wore a black suit and everywomen wore a dress that was probably more expensive than her debt.

As she got closer the looks she received were even more obvious. All the strange looks were making her want to quit this whole charade and just go back to the bridge. Even the people downtown in the rough didn't have such disgusted looks on their faces.

When she walked inside she was met with a smell of food, alcohol, and cigarettes. The waiter at the door looked at her questioningly. He eyed her dress, he had a slightly raised brow.

This might have been a bad idea.

"Is it just you?"

Maybe the small sandwich bar back near her hotel was a better idea.

She was about to speak when a large hand was gently placed on her shoulder. Looking up slightly startled she saw a tall young man standing beside her.

Just like that the world seemed to have shifted. All the faces looming over her disappeared. Looking around she was right. The people who were staring earlier seemed to forget about her.

She became a hobbit again.

"She's with me..." he said shortly in a low soft tone. His voice was raspy surprisingly. His voice wasn't dry, but his voice just seemed to be missing. No, hollow maybe? Like wind blowing through trees.

The waiter nodded and guided them to their table after grabbing two menus. Lia was gently pushed forward and led by the hand that moved from her shoulder to the middle of her back. Shaken by the mans sudden appearance she let him lead her into the restaurant. She looked to him curiously as his hand gently traveled down to her lower back. He touched was light and feathery, as if she were a porcelain doll. The whole thing confused her, why would this handsome young man just claim he was dining with her? He should be embarrassed to be near her.

Why did she not protest to this stranger to leave her be?

Afraid that she would draw attention if she fussed, she let the strange man guide her to the table. Steps were large with his long legs, but they were slow and at her pace. Noticing his shoes she saw how cleaned and shined they were. On his other wrist she saw a shiny silver watch. She liked the tiny leaves engraved in the silver.

The waiter walked to a busy part of the restaurant. The tables were closer and you could hear easily hear the person talking across the dining area. He lead them to one of the tables in the middle of the large room. Before he was about to set the table with the menus a small gust of wind blew by. The waiter pause, then without a word led them somewhere else. Lia saw his face and eyes shift from a face of tiredness and irritation to nothing but a stoic expression. His body changed too as it wasn't so slouched as before.

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