Unwanted Task

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Wendigo's, like werewolves, greatly lust for their mate. They are just as possessive and protective of their mate as well. So it is crucial for their mate to be completely ready before the bond is complete. Or else you get the cases of rape and abuse because the mate resists after the bond.

Vex had a solution.

Cut out his heart and have a witch cast a spell so he couldn't take it back without someone doing it for him. Therefor his body would be on constant survival mode and could not function enough to cling on Lia. His wendigo would have to share it's heart and it too would be restricted. Vex new the moment Lia moved to his house the him and the wendigo would have no control. Lia just reeked of innocence and was so fragile that Vex and his wendigo couldn't help but purr internally when they saw her.

However, now that Lia was permanently bonded to him. And knowing she'll be ready. He would like his heart back.

Mark grabbed a ziplock bag from his coat that was used for evidence and put the bag along with the heart in it. "So I guess that explains why you're blood pressure was so low when they did a check up on you in custody." He was surprised. Vex must have fought his wendigo to do something like this.

Mark cough, "James lets bring Vex to the hospital and get his heart back in his chest."

James nodded. Vex looked at his heart and watched it beat in the bag.

He admits that it is kinda gross.

Mark adjusted his cane and headed for the door, "Only certain witches can do such spells. And I'm pretty damn sure we just got our lead."

As they walked out, Vex smile at the corners of his mouth dipped slightly.

Lia sat in the passenger seat of the car as Lewis drove through the small town.

Looking in the back she saw the wendigo laying on the floor. One of its hands were stretched out under car seat and wrapped around her ankle with bony fingers.

She thought back to when she woke up. It was a scary sight. Out in the middle of the woods she was laying in the leaves and above Lia the wendigo stared down at her. She at first wasn't scared of it, till she realized that it wasn't Vex. Well, when she realized that the part that was Vex was gone. It looked less soft, less of the bright blue glow, instead it was like and angry dying creature that wanted to eat her. If that nice lady from the cafe hadn't seen her running around like a child running from its shadow she'd still probably be running around in those woods.

Being in the cafe gave her a chance to actually look and interact with the wendigo with clear thoughts.

Lia admits she cant think clearly when she's scared. She'd always hurt herself running into things when a spider would show up.

She looked to the man next to her in the drivers seat. Lewis was his name. Back before she met Vex when she'd wonder the streets alone Lewis would be in some alley either fighting or talking with someone shady in hushed whispers. Lia being nosy has been caught staring by Lewis multiple times, but he has never said anything.

"Sir?" She spoke timidly, not wanting to bother the man.

Lia tried not to remember the men left bleeding on the sidewalks after the fights with him. This was a very dangerous man.

"Yes?" He replied, keeping his eyes glued to the road. He spotted the hotel where they would stay, it was cheap, close to the cafe, and was run by his boss.

"I... I don't know where to start." She almost whispered, despite the pain she was pulling her knuckles again. "Where is Vex?"

Lewis pulled into the parking lot and sighed when he put his car into park. "He is back in Seattle..." he was about to continue when he so her eyes grow wide. "Did Vex tell you anything after you two bonded?"

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