A Scrap in the Snow

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James stood in his feral form and growled at the sickly creature that stood before him. His thick, grey fur coat stood on end and his claws were extended as well as his hackles raised. His chest and shoulders were wide and his muzzle was large enough to crush a skull. While his werewolf form stood at seven and a half feet, rather large for a werewolf, Vex's stood at nine solid feet. Vex's skull oozed black goo that sizzled when it dripped onto the snow. Many long horns were planted on his head along with a pair of sharp fangs. His body was cover in various skin of different animals while his ribs showed easily in the dark. Open scars written in strange writing bled heavily from him. Vex looked dead.

James however couldn't smell him. In human for Vex smelled like a normal human, but in his feral form... you couldn't smell him. That would make any werewolf nervous. When you lose sight of your opponent it critical to know if they have fled or are still around.

James stood guarded as Vex release a raspy chuckle. "Picking a fight so eagerly I see?" He tilted his head in fake innocence.

"Lia does not deserve this Vex," James growled lowly. He was determined to protect Lia from Vex. Vex would ruin her far worse than what happened a year ago. Much, much worse.

"Indeed," Vex agreed. Magic circles appears in his right hand. They glowed brightly and spun before summoning a dark dagger. In Vex large hand it looked normal, but it three times larger than a kitchen knife. It was covered in strange writing like on Vex's skin. An obvious sign that Vex did something to it. With the dagger Vex lunged for James.

James side stepped Vex and swung his claws to his midsection with his sharp claws, but was unable to land a strike as Vex form turned to a shadow. Swiveling his head around James tried to get sight of the fast moving darkness that darted around him. The fact that he couldn't smell Vex made him more desperate to find the shadow. He growled lowly when he kept losing sight of Vex in the corner of his eye whenever he'd get him in his sights.

"She doesn't deserve your scrutinization and abandonment, she deserves someone who will provide her with what she needs."

Vex's voice echoed through the dark. Before James could pinpoint Vex he felt something sharp stab into his rib side. With a yelp he turned to defensive mode. Vex was quick to break of the tip of the dagger and escaped James large jaws. As Vex returned to his three dimensional form he watched as James fell into the snow in his human form. He played with the broken tip of the dagger as James struggled in the snow.

"You not very good without the help from your fellow cops are you pup?"

James growled and tried to pull the piece of dagger out of his rib, but it refused to move. With it lodged deep he couldn't move fast. It luckily wasn't sharp enough to poke his organs and the fact that his tissue was stronger than one of a normal human so he wouldn't be hurt badly... as long as he didn't move fast.

"It won't kill you. If I wasn't trying to get Lia I'd probably eat you. But that will keep you away from her till the three days are over."

James finally connected the dots. The tip from the dagger was like a messed up version of a shock collar. If he even try to get close to Lia it would move deeper into him. He should have known. With a growl he punched a fist into the ground in frustration. He fell right into Vex's hand like putty. Vex needed James to be in his feral form to get the chipped piece in without killing him. And he knew that James would fight him here.

He felt so dumb. How could he be so careless.

"Now will you excuse me..." Vex spoke as he turned back to a man. He slowly walked off into the dark abyss with one last say that boiled James blood. "My lady is waiting for me."

Lia couldn't sleep. She stared at the door to her and Vex's bedroom. Once she started sleeping, not sex, with him she couldn't sleep alone. The feeling of his arms holding her gently as he'd whispers her poems that he memories from the book they read together was the only thing to get her to sleep in peace. She felt so high maintenance now. She quit her job, she now just cleaned up Vex house that was already clean and cooked meals. Vex would come home with a smile and go straight to her.

It was strange. He seemed to always put her first. She'd always try to argue with him since she wasn't worth that much effort but he wouldn't budge. He never dismissed her and would always check in with her through out the day while he was at work. Lia almost couldn't handle it. It was too perfect. Something much be wrong, there must be something evil behind this happiness.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Vex came walking in through their bedroom door. He was wearing some new clean clothes than the ones he left with. Now he was wearing long shorts with a long sleeve t-shirt. Wordlessly, she rolled over and gave him space as he got into bed after turning off the lights. He got the large comforter over them both and pulled Lia close to him. She couldn't help but sigh as she snuggled into his large frame. He was so warm, his heart beat never quickened or jumped. It was soothing to listen as it beat to a slow tempo. It was louder than James heartbeat. She liked how easily she could hear it, it was almost therapeutic.

They laid their in silence. Lia still felt a little restless but she didn't want to bother Vex. Usually, when she was alone, she'd just walk around her one room apartment all night waiting for the tiredness to seep in. But she didn't want Vex to be disturbed by her walking around the house and messing with things.

"Can't sleep?"

Lia nodded, "I'm just anxious."

Lia got nervous when Vex got out of bed to turn on the bedside lamp. She watched him looking for any sign of irritation as he walked into the wall in closet. James would always scold her for staying up late. She couldn't help it though, she was to anxious to be tired. She played with her hair and listened as Vex looked through the closet. Lia saw the small cd boombox in his hand along with a small thing of cds in the other when he walked out. He set them on the desk and plugged in the boombox.

By now Lia was crawling out of bed to see what he was doing. Her small feet made no noise as she tiptoed over to where the tall man stood. She could not help but smile when she saw him put a Christmas cd in. When he hit play 'White Christmas' by Bing Crosby filled her ears.

She let Vex guide her into the center of the room. His hands fell to her hips and he nudged her closer. She put her hands of his arms. The light was dim and the snow outside was falling lightly, along with the music it all mixed together so well. Lips caressed the top of her head as Vex began to slowly move side to side. A small hum escaped her lips when he kissed her forehead. She moved with him and pressed her head against his chest.

He was always so warm.

For a long while Vex danced with Lia. He kept it simple and they moved slower than normal. He could not help but smile as Lia was started to stumble a little. Her eyes were hooded as she quietly hummed along with the music. At one point he stopped moving and just held her in his arms. She was leaning most of her weight on him now and had her eyes closed.

So cute.

He lifted her up and carried her to the bed. The blanket lifted away on its own for Vex to lay Lia down. Carefully he got the pillow under her head more comfortably before he pulled the covers over her. He looked down to her and studied her features. Her long lashes settled gently atop of her pink cheeks. He couldn't help but brush his knuckles against them. Lia was gorgeous, a jewel more valuable than diamond.

After admiring Lia, he walked back to the desk and got out some papers. They were for selling the apartment when they leave in three days. A grin grew on his face as he quietly chuckled.

They'll have troubles finding a proper home in the city after they both die in three days. A home out in the country seems proper.

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