Blood Bath

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Lewis looked across the kitchen again, "Lia he's not gonna come back with sardines." He looked at his phone to check the time, "He'll be back on his own time."

Lia wiped the tears that swelled at the corner of her eyes. Damian has been gone for hours shortly after her bath with him. He left without a trace nor sound. Lia, in her oversized shirt and baggy PJs has been sitting by the front door. The door was cracked open and in a small bowl was some canned sardines. It was the closest thing to raw meet in the motel.

Hugging her knees on the floor she sighed. The cold air made her shiver. But she wasn't gonna shut the door yet, Damian might come back.

Lewis could feel himself aging from the stress. Damian left after Mark messaged that he had just got out from the airport and was on his way here. It scared Lewis shitless because the only reason that Damian would leave Lia was if Vex has coming. Mark, however confirmed that both Vex and her mate were back in Seattle.

What about after all this is over?

And Vex finds out that Lewis was the one that called Mark?

Lewis felt the hair on the back of his neck stand. He wasn't used to being scared. Demons, werewolves, priest, monsters, spirits, they are all the same. Even wendigos. But Vex...

Lewis looked down at his phone again. Mark hasn't messaged him yet.

Vex was like the Joker from the Batman movie. But the only difference was that Vex could be completely sane and charming in front of a cop or therapist, then go bad shit crazy the moment someone goes against his grain. He was the master at being two faced. Before Lewis realized how crazy he was he saw Vex at the back alley of a bar decapitate a man with with bare hands and eat his brains raw because the man cheated in a poker game with him. He was smooth with the cheater and offed him a cigarette outside. Then after cleaning himself up he went back in the bar and danced with some drunk woman and walked the lady back to her apartment because she was too intoxicated to do so on her own.

Lewis remembered how hard it was for him to move once Vex walked back in the bar. It felt as if one wrong move or spoken word and he'd find himself dead along side the man outside. He sat in the far corner of the bar and drank so much alcohol he never made it home that night. His master vampire had to go get his ass out of the bar.

He shivered when he remembered how Vex looked at him.

Lewis grabbed the large bottle of vodka and took large sips. He just realized that he just dug his own grave and Vex is coming to push him in... and bury his ass alive.

Lewis didn't realize that someone was at the door. He only realized when he heard Lia talking to a man.

She was talking to Mark.

Quickly putting away the vodka, he walked into view and saw Lia still sitting and Mark on one knee talking to her.

"I appreciate that you reached out to me," Mark spoke as he stood back up. He offered Lia a hand and she took it. Taking the brown she walked into the kitchen.


Lia looked back to Lewis. She had just packed the sardines in a ziplock bag and in the freezer.

"Pack your things. Mark is gonna take you somewhere safer ok?"

Lia nodded with a smile and rushed to her room.

Lewis cringed at how naive she was. She must have lived under a rock all her life, or was dropped on her head. Lewis wondered if you could just tell her anything and she'd believe it.

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