Lost Location

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The cafe was very warm and cozy. The sunlight lit the cafe, beaming through the large windows. The cafe the teeming with activity. The local school clicks were there too. The bad boys sitting in the stools at the counter. The nerds in one corner playing some card game that was so complicated you could build a migraine talking about it. The popular girls in one booth being noisy and flirting with the waiter who just wanted them out. Your cliche cafe.

Two waitresses talked in hushed whispers, eyeing the small lady in the corner. The light around her seemed to just have faded and people were crowded on the other side of the large cafe, carrying on in their lives without batting an eye. She sat there and quietly nervously fondling with the large sweater she wore. It was too big for her and made her look younger. Her hair was a mess and she smelled of wet soil and dirt.

"Go ask her for her order..." the older waitress whispered, unable to help herself as she looked over to the small lady again. "But don't give eye contact, tiptoe around her."

As the older lady kept looking to the small lady in the corner she whispered one last thing in the younger waitress's ear. "And whatever you do, don't make him angry."

"I feel like Nick should do it," the young waitress whispered yelled, pointing to the tall man on the other side of the cafe collecting orders. "I'm rather loud and obnoxious..."

The older lady swat the girl in the back of the head. "You are rambunctious but also the least threatening out of all of us and it won't let men near either of them. Now get your ass over there and keep that poor lady busy till Lewis gets here."

The younger waitress nodded in defeat. Grabbing her notebook and pen she carefully walked up the young lady. Making sure not to startle her. She walked around so she approached her from the side than behind.

"Good morning miss..." the waitress whispered quietly.

Despite the scene the other customers were rather chattery. It kept the cafe alive and make a great contrast between the two sides of the cafe. One lit and full of people and the other side dark (despite all the lights on) and only one small individual.

Lia kept her head down and fondled with the long sleeves of her sweater. Trying her best to not pull her knuckles as they hurt badly and were swollen. She shook quite a bit. Lia looked out of breath.

"Is there something I can get you?" The young waitress spoke softly, eyeing the large wendigo that's been under the table. It followed the lady here into the cafe. She had to sadly watch as the poor Lia tried to pull her feet up into her seat before giving up to it. One of the wendigo's arms were wrapped tightly around Lia's thin legs. Whenever it'd move Lia would flinch. It stared at the waitress with an unknown expression.

The waitress stood within its reach and played it calmly.

Lia didn't say anything. She sat there tense and kept her head low, but she did not dare look under the table.

"Will some sweet decaf iced tea with cream and a small chocolate muffin be ok?"

When Lia didn't answer the women walked back with something written on her pad. When she got to the chef she whispered something in his ear. When they parted he put Lia's order first.

The women came back to Lia with two small pieces paper and some crayons. She pulled up a chair slowly to not startle either of them. Leaving much space between her and Lia she set out the paper. Lia did not react when she set the paper and crayons in front of her. The waitress grabbed a blue crayon and started to scribble shapes. Many squares and circles before grabbing another color and drawing different shapes.

Lia didn't move but she soon started to watch the young waitress draw. She was filling her paper with many perfect shapes. The waitress made sure to be very expressive whenever she messed up, pouting and mumbling silly things to herself. It seemed to have take the edge of Lia.

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