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On Friday like promised Vex came knocking on Lia's door. The snow hid all the dead grass and junk around her house, making it look somewhat friendlier. He never understood why the hotel let her stay here, it filthy and could be a danger to her health. Fear was thick in the air. Vex could tell that it was Lia's fear filling his nose. He knocked again, but made sure the knock was as soft as the first time.

Lia cracked the door open and peaked out to Vex. She was clad in oversized pj's and a large worn shawl. It was obvious that she had been crying. Her small little body shook as she tried to calm her sniffling. With cheeks red as tomatoes and tears running down her sad face, not even the movie 'Titanic' could cause this.

Vex spoke sadly, "Am I at a bad time?"

A sob broke from Lia as she wiped her eyes with her large sleeve, "James told me about you..." She spoke in a shaky voice. With sniffles she looked up to Vex nervously. She could see him in her mind filling with rage.

"That I'm a wendigo?"

She nodded, trying to speak her fear shaken her voice. "He's told me the things your kind do..." At any moment Vex will have her on the floor as he kicked her till he desired. She couldn't get the thought of it out of her head.

"And you think I'll hurt you?"

Lia nodded, "I don't want to move in with you. I'm afraid if you'll hurt me." She closed her eyes as she quietly cried at the door waiting for the impending doom she has just set upon herself.

"James is right," Lia looked up from the floor nervously. "My kind are indeed violent. We can't feel shame, regret, or even guilt." He got down to his knees, making Lia confused, the snow was melting and getting into his black slacks. "But Lia you need to understand how much you mean to me. I don't want to hurt you, I can see it in your eyes. The fear when I get closer to your heart, someone has hurt you." He then bowed at her feet making her panic slightly, "You can keep your walls up and keep me out. I don't have to know all your secrets, but at least let me heal you." He looked up to Lia, "If you don't want to move in with me... I'll accept it." He leaned back and looked to Lia patiently, still on his knees.

Lia and Vex sat in a long silence. Having someone bow like that in front of her was mind boggling. Her? A unattractive and suicidal women? Though she doubts he knows about the latter. Hearing James warning she wanted to tell Vex to go, so he would not hurt her. He said that they can be deceiving. However... this might be what she needs to give her the final push. The final push to give her the dying want to take her life.

She can enjoy the time that Vex gives her. Bath in his loving affection. Then when Vex decides to turn to an ill agenda, she'll just go to the bridge. That sounded like a good plan.

What else does she have to live for?

Lia cleared her throat shuffling nervously at the door. "Would you like to come inside?"

Vex gave a small smile, "Yes, I would."

Lia opened the door more to let Vex in. Standing back to his towering height he walked into her small shaggy home. Lia walked to the mini fridge and grabbed to things of chocolate pudding. After fetching the plastic spoons she handed one to Vex. They both sat comfortably on the springy bed.

"I'll still like to move in with you..." she said quietly.

Vex opened his thing of pudding and threw away the lid into the small garbage in the corner of the room. "Even after what you heard from James?" He asked curiously, as he enjoyed his pudding.

"Can you keep secrets?" Lia asked instead. She herself was enjoying her pudding as well. She didn't buy them, she can't afford it. But she found out that pudding could last about two weeks past their expiration date. So whenever they are about to throw them away she just volunteers to take them out and just takes them. It sounds awful, but what else could she do?

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