The Beginning of Addiction

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~One year ago~

"You ba-bastard..." the small demon coughed up blood as he stared up to his enemy.

Standing at eight feet tall, a lithe and rigid figure stands before the demon, cornering him from his only escape. The wendigo's skin was a sickly black and contoured its tight muscles. Long angular hands hold large claws that now drip in dark crimson blood. It's face held no emotion except for a canine skull that had rotted away all of its flesh long ago. Black ooze drips from its hollow eyes and every other opening in its flesh. Despite the rotting appearance the wendigo had no smell, one of the reasons why the demon didn't see the ambush coming.

"Where's Lia?" The wendigo said stoically, though its posture revealed untamed anger. Its voice was scratchy and hollow. Like the wind through trees his voices sent shivers through the demon.

The demon stood up to its six foot height slowly, part way up he almost fell back to the floor as he coughed up more blood. He look liked your average human besides his unnatural flawless features and glowing red eyes. "Why would you care?" The demon smiled. "Does the little monster have a crushy wush-"

The Wendigo lurched forward and grabbed the demon by its neck. Mercilessly, he scraped the back of the demon's head against the brick wall behind him. You could see tuffs of hair and flesh hanging off the wall. When the demon struggled to keep his air pipe open the wendigo laughed, it was disturbing as the wendigo's face did not change as this sinister laugh rang through the air. The wendigo leaned down so their eyes stared level to each other.

"And most know what happens when you get between a wendigo and its prey..." it drawled. Slowly it brought a long claw down the demons chest making a generous trail of blood, the demon cried out in a scratchy breath. His air pipe was more closed and was almost impossible to breathe let alone speak.

"Now tell me..." the wendigo brought its face close to the demon as it raise the poor creature off its feet. The wendigo adjusted his grip so then he wouldn't choke him. "Where is my Lia?"

The demon's cocky mood dwindled, looking down to the claw ready to cut into him again. What made him finally crack was his small intestine poking out from the cut the wendigo made earlier. "You don't have much time... my friends..."

"Your friends?" The wendigo urged on.

"She's in the warehouse, farthest east near the river nearby. But..." he tried to speak again but more blood dripped from his lips. He cried out as another cut was drawn across his abdomen.

"You better hurry up and answer the damn question."

"Daisy will be there and if she finds out what you're about to do she'll-AAAHHH!" In a flash the wendigo tore through the demons torso and began to devour anything his hands could reach.

And just as quickly as he attacked the new bloody corpse, his figure took form of a shadow. His shadows dashed across the street and into the night. The lights flickered as he traveled swiftly. Whipping past the cars he quickly flew above to the trees. Their branches bent and leaves shivered as he darted through them. It wasn't long before he found his way to the warehouse the demon described. He knew the demon was telling the truth, Lia's scent was stronger here near the warehouse.

The wendigo left no time to spare as he returned to his solid form so he could burst through the door. Inside he saw two women bound and gagged on the floor naked. The third was bound and naked as well, but was currently choking on one of the demon's dick. The four demons jerked their heads to the wendigo in surprise, then in anger when they smell the blood of their comrade.

He finally spotted Lia behind one of the demons she had a dazed look on her face as she laid there limp on the concrete floor. She was naked as well showing her plump figure and pure skin. What made him tick was the blood dripping from her scalp. The blood looked fresh as it dripped down her face.

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