Horrible Failure

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~Two and a half years ago~

Tears welled up in her eyes. Her lifeless eyes stared out into the field, at the end of the field was a ledge that dropped to the rocky bottom of the ocean. The drop was higher than a twenty story building, high enough for the rocks below to be deadly if one were to fall... or jump. This was her families favorite camping spot, every fall the cool weather would make wonderous nights by the campfire. The thought of her family brought the tears down her cheeks. In one hand she held a small empty bottle of vodka, in the other a empty bottle of antidepressants. Even with her mind turned to mush from the substances she could see it clearly.

Seagulls cried in the salty air as if calling her closer to the edge. The bright blue sky made the scene almost poetic. The sun shines brightly as it was soon ready to set. Everything was beautiful about this picture, if only she wasn't there to screw it all up. She slipped out of her old sneakers and began to walk through the fresh green grass to the ledge. Her heart beat slowly, she was calm, ready for the final chapter of her life to end. Her arms and legs were covered thick in large cuts, they cracked and bled as she moved. Each step sent agonizing pain through her body but the drugs numbed her.

A large, dark, and bony hand reached out for her to grab. Lia was certain that it was the devil ready to take her. Of course god wouldn't waste his time on something as pathetic as her. She kept her head low not bothering to look up and she reached out and held it with her own lithe fingers after she decided to drop the bottles. The hand engulfed her smaller one, but surprisingly the hand held hers gently with a soft squeeze.

Suicide was a great sin. And she gladly accepted it but she was not ready to look at the devil in the eyes. Lia could only look down at the hand that was in her grasp. It was as black as a starless night, along the firm muscles you could see large veins stretched under the skin. She let the hand guide her to the edge. It walked at a slow and patient pace, since Lia was slightly lost with the drugs and alcohol running in her system. She squeezed her hand around the strangers larger one, and it squeezed back gently in return as if to comfort her.


At that moment her hearts stopped. How could he? How did he find her? Lia turned her head to see James standing tall in the open grass. Anxiety tugged at her fasting heart rate fear of failure was clouding her mind like a thick fog. Officers were numbered along the tree line aiming their guns to the stranger.

So they could see it too?

"Come back Lia," James called. He was shirtless and barefoot, ready to morph into his wolf. Lia knew how fast werewolves can get. "Let us work this out!! The monster is here only to hurt you!!!"

Lia looked to James with teary eyes. She couldn't be mad at James, but she couldn't stop the sorrow from forming in her chest. He had abandon her at her most weakest point in her life. Left her alone in her toxic thoughts, toxic life. She didn't care what was holding her hand. Lia dosen't even think she had held James hand this long, the thought made her squeeze the hand she held tightly. The monster as James called it didn't seem bothered.

Shaking her head as she sniffled she let the stranger urge her closer to the edge. She picked up her feet and ran with it. A howl broke out from behind her making her heart race faster than ever before. The edge was so close she could almost see the rock bottom below. Salty air rushed up the side of the cliff and filled her nostrils. Before James could get too close the stranger stopped and ran towards James with nasty growls that rattled Lia's little bones. The hand she held suddenly disappeared from her grasp leaving her about three feet from the edge. With tears of joy she sprinted her final steps and leaped out into the air above the great open sea. Closing her eyes she let herself go limp as she began to fall to her death bed.

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