Chapter 11

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I shut the door behind me and raced up stairs, sinking to the ground with my back against the wall. I didn't even know what to think. I was so happy but I felt disappointed at the same time. Why? He had just kissed me on the cheek! We were getting somewhere! I shook my head as if it would help clear my head.


I opened my car door and stood there for a moment before getting in. What the hell was that? She just ran off. Was it too soon? Did I scare her off? I groaned and hit my head in frustration. I should have just kissed her, just gone for it. I didn't want to do anything except for go back to her but how could I? With a sigh I forced myself to drive away. How could I have let that moment go? It was perfectly set up for a kiss and I had ruined it. I turned on the next exit into Whitning and drove home without really paying attention, I was too busy thinking. I remember going around the corner when I decided that first chance I got I would do it. I would man up. After that the world went black.


I fumbled around my bedside table for my phone. I had just fallen asleep and it was 2 am so you can imagine I was pretty pissed. "Jasper what is it? It's 2 in the morning you know." I answered after checking the caller ID.

"Alexia?" I heard an unfamiliar woman on the other end. "Did I dial the right person?" She asked uncertainly.

"Yeah I'm Alexia." I sat up straight. What the hell was going on?

"I'm sorry about the time honey but he asked that I call you."

"Wait what? Who is this?"

"I'm Jasper's aunt. He wanted to talk to you but he... can't come to the phone right now."

"So why did you call me? What's wrong?" I demanded. If there was something wrong she needed to just spit it out.

"Jasper and you went to a party? Correct?" She asked me calmly.

"Yeah but we didn't have anything to drink."

"I know. Look, Alexia I can't tell you over the phone calmly. Just come to the hospital please." She sounded desperate.

"What? What happened? Where's Jasper!" I yelled into the dead phone. Of all the times for my battery to die... What was wrong with Jasper? I pulled on a loose sundress and ran down stairs. I left a quick note for my mom before driving as fast as I legally could to the hospital. A middle-aged woman was sitting in emergency looking nervous. She got up as I approached. "Alexia?"

"Yes." I whispered. "What's wrong?"

"He crashed." She burst into tears. "He turned a corner and a drunk driver in the other direction crashed into him."

"What?" I felt a tear roll down my face. "How is he? Can I see him?"

"I don't know yet. He just got here. He can talk but he was unconscious for the ride here. They haven't told me anything yet." She sobbed. I hugged her spontaneously. "I'll wait here." I told her. She nodded and sat next to me. She waited for an hour or so before the doctor asked her to come in. I was there all night waiting for him. I never got to see him but I did find out what was wrong. He had a broken arm and possibly a concussion. He also would have serious back problems in the future as well as a few other things I couldn't remember. The good news? He would live. He would be okay.


There you! A bit shorter chapter but stuff definitely happens. I hope you guys enjoyed it!



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