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A/N: I hope you enjoyed my first imagine. There will be more to come.


You couldn't sleep. Every time you closed your eyes you thought of every moment you shared with her. You never understand why you feel this way anytime you thought of her. Is this love? " Why?" is all you ask yourself. You lose sleep at night just thinking about her. You thought about all the times she made you laugh and her witty sense of humor which made you giggle to yourself.

Her smile was so genuine and made your heart melt every time. The way she looked at you made you feel special, but she's too far away. Your phone buzzed and all you could think was who it could be at this time of the night. Its her, its Demi. You wanted to answer right away because you didn't want to seem so desperate but you also wanted to because of your feelings. Whenever you two speak its like you eliminate everything else in the world and just focus on her and you can tell she did the same for you. But she was still too far away.

You finally got the urge to open the text. It said

Her 👭👩‍❤️‍👩❤️: I need you here with me, I miss you so much.....

Again you started to think about this beautiful goddess whom thought of all the time. Lately you've been distance yourself from her (as if her being what felt like solar systems away wasn't enough) because you didn't want to start an official relationship with someone who was that far away. But you couldn't help it so you text back a few minutes later....

Me: I miss you too💕, I just wish you could be here with me right now...

Demi's POV

I never thought that I would find someone who made me feel this special. I continuously ask myself ".....am i really falling in love with this girl?" Whenever we speak on the it makes me feel like we are the only two people in the world. We've only met in person twice and both of these times were at my concerts and she left right after because i would get caught up with fans and interview and stuff like that. And overtime i try to get time off something comes up and we can't see each other.

Little does she know that I'm planning on surprising her. It was now 5AM and were still texting. I eventually tell Y/N that i have to go because I have an early interview. Of course I didn't want to end our conversation but I think it'll be worth it to talk in person. 10AM came and I'm now on a plane flying to see who I think is " the love of my life." The entire plane ride I couldn't get her out of my head. I just wanted to be there with her and have her hold me tight. (vice versa)

I finally touchdown and get to my car. We are getting closer and closer to her house. As we pulled up to her house my heart began beating really fast......


"Knock...Knock.....Knock" I got out of bed and put on clothes to see who was at the door. As i slowly opened it, there she stood. It was her. The girl who I think is "the love of my life." It wasn't long before our bodies became one with each other. I've never felt more happy in my life. Tears of joy falling from both of our faces. " you bitch..." you said through your tears. She giggled which made you smile. " I told you that i need you and wanted to see you, so here i am...." Demi asserted. You both headed toward the sofa as you sit and talked for hours.

At some point in the conversation you heard her voice get muffled by how mesmerized you were by her. Under your breath you said, " I love you..." She paused. You reassured your statement by jumping up and pulling her up along with you. " I LOVE YOU!" you said with a smile across your face.

Demi's POV

Those were the words I've always wanted to hear out of Y/N's mouth. Just listening to those words leave her lips made my heart melt. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" i said pressing our lips together and wrapping my hands around her neck. It was as if we knew instantly that this was the best feeling ever.

Without hesitation she picked my up while wrapping my legs around her and spun me around. I just wanted to live in this moment forever and I was going to. She laid me on the sofa ever so gently while our lips stayed connected.

" Ive been waiting on this all day.." I said passionately. She smiled and replied, " Well let me show you what you've been waiting on.." which made me bite my bottom lip.......

(P.S.Should I write a part 2? This was my first imagine and i know its short but I hope you enjoyed.)

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