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"Babyyyy you ready", i yelled up the stairs. "Ill be down in five babe, just a couple more......"Demi replied. Tonight was the night...the night i asked Demi to be my wife. We had been together for almost 4 years and i felt ready to make her mine permanently. "Were gonna be late....." i was cut off by my beautiful soon to be wife walking down the stairs. Everything went from real time to slow motion. Step after step she took, i just grew more and more happy. This assured my readiness but didn't subside the anxiousness.

Y: Damn babe, you look fucking amazing........

D: Thankyou baby! Its all for you *wink wink*

I grabbed her hand and kissed it, then pulling her in for a passionate light kiss. She smiled at me and kissed me again. We got in the car and headed to our spot. Demi kept questioning where we were headed but i didn't give away any hints. We pulled up to this quaint little park area where no one seemed to go but Demi and i found the beauty in it. It was lit up from hanging fairy lights and a beautiful two seat table display. She grinned from ear to ear and looked at you with a 'awww babe you shouldn't have look'. I got out of the car and walked over to her side and let her out. Clutching on to her hand i walked her over to the table setting and pulled the chair out for her.

As we sat there eating dinner, i couldn't stop glancing at her and every time i did i would get butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't believe that this gorgeous, courageous, beautiful goddess was going to be my wife. Like a child, every time she caught me looking at her, i would put my face back down and you could just hear the giggle in her voice.....

D: Babe, whats wrong? Why do you keep looking at me like that and smiling?

Y: Because I'm just happy that i can call you mine....Ms. Lovato- Y/L/N.....

She looked back up at you in shock of the words that flew out of your mouth. You got down on one knee and poured your heart out to her.......tears just falling from both of your faces......

Y: Demetria Devonne Lovato, you are my world. You have been there for me when i needed you most and even when i hurt you you stayed. You know me better than i know myself and thats one of the reasons i admire and adore every part of you. I love every part of yourself that you seem to find a problem with....from your cute as fuck butt chin, to your thick thighs, to your freckles and lets not forget your witty sense of humor. *does whale call* I would love for you to do me the honor of becoming my wife.....Demi....Baby... Will you marry me?

D: Y/N i.....i d-did.....i cheated.........

What? How? When? Why? All these questions just filled my brain. Im fucking speechless. I stood up from my knee and she did the same. Eye to eye i was just in the worse state of shock. I thought she love me? I wanted answers but at the same time i didn't. Tears streamed down my face now and she could tell how hurt i was. She grabbed your hand, and being in the state of shock you were in, you let her.

D: Y/N let me explain please.....Im so sorry babe...i didn't mean to. You were downstairs in the basement and you dozed off and he came over and i saw you're sleeping. It wasn't suppose to happen, i was just horny i guess and he was there and things got out of hand. As soon as we finished i regretted it .........*you cut her off*

Y:In our fucking house Demetria? How could you? When has me sleeping stopped you from climbing on my lap and waking me up? Horny huh? Also while i was in the house.....Ba- Demi cheated with your fucking ex? I thought you loved me? And regretting it, you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Do you love me anymore? Was i making you unhappy?

D: No Y/N i love you with all my heart and I'm sorry.....p-p-please believe me, baby I'm so so so so sorry....

Y:Demi i honestly don't know what to think right now, all i know is i want to go home and pack my shit and leave......

D: Please Y/N don't leave me.....it was a one time thing.

Y: It shouldn't have been a thing........

Even though I was hurt i couldn't leave her stranded at a place where we loved to go together. We got back in the car and drove home in silence. No matter how hard she tried to talked to you in the car, you wouldn't budge. Once home i immediately got out of the car and furiously walked up the stairs. I went to the closet we shared and grabbed a suitcase and began throwing random shit in it. Demi right behind me trying to talk me out of it, but i toned her out. I didn't want to have this conversation right now. After i had packed what i thought i needed, i walked back down the stairs toward the door, sobbing footsteps behind me.

I felt a hand on my arm and next thing i know I'm up against a wall with a body pressed against me. I knew if i looked at her i would start crying and possibly even stay. Thats what she does to me, she makes me vulnerable, she's my weakness. She gripped my chin and forced my face to look at her. There i met her chocolate eyes that were now red from crying. My vision became blurry and the tears started to pour. She cried into my chest and grasped my shirt tightly.....I dont know what to do....I love this figure leaning on me, but she just told me she basically doesn't love me with her actions....I was just speechless....Fucking speechless.

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