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A/N: WARNING:This imagine contains domestic violence and attempted suicide.


Throwing my limp body against the wall, he continued to throw punches and kicks. It got to the point where i couldn't feel them anymore. "You stupid fucking bitch, i told you to stop going around that slut. You do it continuously even though you know your consequences...." were the words yelled at you repeatedly. You did everything in your power to get him to stop but it was n use seeing you were significantly smaller than him. The only thing you could do was put your hands over your face and scream in pain as the tears pored from your eyes. You heard the door slam which meant her left. On the kitchen floor you played unable to move because if you did, pain was all you felt throughout your body. You reached up and grabbed your phone from the counter and called the only person you wanted.....Demi.

D: Hey Y/N, its pretty early....whats up?

Y: Demi....

D: Y/N is everything alright?.........Baby answer me......

Y: sorry.......

You hung up the call and forcefully pulled yourself up. You've had enough of this shit and everything that comes with it. You stumbled your way to the bathroom and in your hands you held a razor. You only wanted to be happy but you weren't allowed to according to your dickface of a fiancee. You've been engaged to him for 2 years and you wanted out from the very start. He beats you, starves you and yells at you whenever you talk to or even go near the person you truly love.....Demi. You've never told Demi about anything but she has questioned marks and bruises that end up on your body but of course you made up unbelievable excuses. One day you were curled up in her arms sleeping and i guess you rubbed your face against her shirt to hard and the makeup came off showing the 'amazing' black eye that your fiancee had given you.

Demi sat up and gently nudged you to get up. You could see it in her face that she felt hurt. "Y/N did he do this to you?..." she said through the sobs. You just hung your head towards the floor. She took her hand and lifted your chin....."Its because of me isn't it?, those other bruises were from him weren't they?" again you gave no response. It had been three weeks since you last seen or talked to Demi. She had been avoiding you because she knew he only hurt you when you were with her but that didn't stop him. Even when you were with him 24/7, he still got on you because supposedly you were 'spending too much time with Demi." All the moments of you and Demi ran through your head as you were about to end your life.

D: Y/N fucking please don't do this.....

Y: Its the only way he'll stop Demi and its the only way you don't feel like its your fault....

D: If you do this i will definitely feel like it was my fault......i love you too much to let you do this baby.

She swiftly grabbed the razor from your hand and covered the wound you started to make. You couldn't even tell if you were crying or not because your eyes were swollen shut. You were beaten black, blue, purple, and red. You thought to yourself 'he'll be back any minute.....we need to leave'. Its like Demi read your mind because the next thing you know, you were being placed into Demi's car and driven away from that hell hole you called home. 'What if he comes looking for us? What if he hurts Demi?......' questions just paraded through your mind, your eyes slowly closing.


You woke up what seemed like hours to you but was days in the real world. You felt cold but your hands were warmed by the soothing touch of Demi's hands, her head resting on top of your intertwined hands. You began moving your aching muscles and her head immediately sprung up.

D: Oh my god! Doctor she's awake.......she's fucking awake.

Y: Demi I-I...

D: Don't speak babe, I know your still in a lot of pain and before you ask that Shitface prick of a fiancee' of yours is facing an attempted murder charge. I promise i'll protect you and i'll never treat you the way he did.......

Y: I love you.....

D: I love you too babe now get some rest okay. The doc said as soon as your up on your feet, i can take you home.....And this time I'm taking you home with me and never letting anything or anyone hurt you again.......

A/N: This probably isn't the best but hey, its something. Taking requests and i hope you enjoyed!

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