Let Me In

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****A/N: I saw Demi's performance of sober live for the first time and I'm literally still crying from it but anyway. Since i was crying i wrote a sad imagine. It has nothing to do with the song sober btw. Demi is such a strong person and i want her to know how much we respect and care for her. I want her to know that we as her lovatics will always be there for her. One thing i know for sure is that I'm always going to be there no matter what and that her true fans aren't either!!!!!!!!!!****

Demi's POV

I just want to be there for her. I just want to take the pain away. I want her to let me in. She knows that i love her and she has expressed to me that she loves me too but is afraid to let anyone in. Any and everyone she let it hurt her and she is now damaged, but at the same time is the strongest person i know. Im going to see her today and i don't know if i can honestly. It wrenches my heart overtime i see her. I just want to hold on to her and never let her go. Relationship after relationship she just gets more and more wounded. Y/N has expressed to me time after time that I'm the only person who actually cares for her and seeing that i extracted from the bottom of my heart the love i have for her, why cant she let me in. No is there for her like i am, quoting her on that. I make time everyday to see her and i can tell she is ecstatic to see me because she has a genuine smile. Not one of those fake 'I'm ok' smiles, like a smile she actually means. I pull up in front of her house and just sit in my car for a few minutes and think. I think about how i would take care of her and not once in a million years do something that would cause her more internal discomfort. I finally get out, stand on the porch and raise my hand to knock on the door.....

Y/N: Hey Dems, you don't know how happy i am to see you.....

Demi: As am i to see you.

Y/N: I don't even know why you knock, you know where the spare key is.

Demi: Oh yh sorry, i forgot.

We head to the living room and sit and just talk about the day we had. All I could do was stare at every feature Y/N seemed to not like about herself. "Demi....your staring again..." i quickly flutter my eyes and catch myself. "yh i-i-im sorry, i was just-..." i tried to answer but she cut me off. "I know...but we talked about this and i-im-...." she started to say. "Yes i know, i just couldn't help it. It won't happen again. Im sorry..." i reply looking down at my fidgeting hands.

I felt Y/N's warm hands on mine and i just let out a sigh. Like i said we both love each other more than friends but she won't let me in because she's scared to get hurt....

Demi: You know i won't hurt you right?

Y/N: I know you Demi and i know you won't hurt me but its a me problem. Its not that i don't want to be with you, its all in my head. I know i wouldn't be able to handle it if i were to get hurt and i understand that you wouldn't but its just me...

Demi: *sighs heavily*

She tried to break the tension in the quiet still room.

Y/N: Maybe we can kiss if you want like we always do?

Demi: As much as i would love to, i cant stop thinking about how your not mine and how i want to take care of you. Before you speak just listen to me. You've known me for basically our whole lives and know the type of person i am. You know more about my past more than any person in the world and i do about you too. I will never hurt you y/n, please give me the chance to show you that I'm here forever even if i have to wait. As a matter of fact thats all I've been doing is waiting and i would wait a thousand more years if it means you would give me a chance. Just let me in please.....

After my epiphany moment about my intentions with y/n, i felt warm tears running down my face. Her soft gentle fingertips raised my chin to look at her and i was met by those eyes that i cant get enough of. She leaned in and kissed my lips ever so tender, i pulled away and placed my face in my hands and cried softly. "Promise me..." left her lips so smoothly. I look up at her and assured her that i promise with all my heart that i will never hurt her. "I promise." she leaned in and kissed me again, but this time it was more passionate. She cupped my face and smiled against my lips.

Y/N: I love you Demi...

Demi: I love you too...

Now i promised to y/n that i would never hurt her and i kept it that way but she never promised to not hurt me..........

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