Prank Wars Part 1.

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"Your on bitch!" you yelled running down the stairs. "Y/N no wait thats not fair!!" Demi said chasing after you. By the time she got down the stairs you had already got in your hiding spot waiting to jump out. As Demi wondered around the house tip toeing looking for you. When she turned the corner leading to the kitchen you quietly walked behind her and said, " any last words Lovato?". " Yes darling, say hello to my little friend!" She spun around and shot you with a water gun but instead it was filled with hot pink paint, with her knowing that its your least favorite color. " Demi 1, Y/N none.." she said smiling. " This means war Lovato.." You said pouting. "Catch me of you can bitch!" Demi said running onto the back porch. you saw the opportunity to get back at her now. You ran after her and started chasing her around the pool.

"Come on my love i just want a kiss.." You said jokingly. "No problem babe.." Demi said spraying more paint over you. You eventually catch up to her and throw her over your shoulder. "Babe no, Please No!!!!" She said getting anxious. "Im sorry the person you are trying to reach is no longer in service!", you said laughing evilly. You lifted Demi in the air above your head and tossed her in the pool. " Y/N 1, Demi 1". "This is not over my darling Y/N....." Demi said lifting herself out of the pool. " Oh trust me its not.." you said Walking in the house and shutting the door. You watched Demi come up to the door biting her lip. You know she about to give you the ultimate tease. You wanted to walk away and ignore her but c'mon she's a fucking goddess.

She began wringing out her wet shirt which was translucent and you could see her figure perfectly. You watched her slowly pull off her shirt revealing her soaking wet body. She now had nothing on but some boy short underwear. She wrapped her arms above her top half and walked closer to the door. "Come dry me off Y/N or should i say make me wet..." she said in the most sexy voice ever. " Y/N do you want me? I know you need me". Yu know she knew how much you couldn't help yourself when it came to her. They more she teased you the closer your hand got to the door to unlock it. Before you know it the door was open and in walked perfection. "Say Demi is the prank war queen and ill give you what we both know you want....." She said giving you a seductive smile.

Your lips started to form the words when she came closer and closer. "Demi...." One single kiss was placed on your lips. You just wanted to pick her up and please her but you didn't want to break. The closer and closer she got the more steps you took back. Your heels hit the back of a chair and you fell on your ass. She climbed on top of you and put her hands over your area. You didn't care that you were now soaked from her dripping wet body. "Say it Y/N, say it....." you finally gave in and said, "Demi 2, Y/N 1...." and connected your lips.

"Haha bitch, i won....." You cut her off with more making out. You cupped her boobs and squeezed them gently making her moan. "I swear i can never win anything with you but i secretly love it..." You said smiling. Demi just knew what to do to make you want her. You grasp her thighs and run your hands up them to her ass and grabbed it wth force.

You look at her and saw that she was enjoying herself so you stopped and pushed her off of you. "Do you want me back Lovato? Your just gonna have to beg for it..." You said smiling. "How dare you Y/N get back here now!" Demi said pissed off. " Demi 2, Y/N 2, Maybe next time Lovato" you said walking away looking back at her while taking off your shirt. Will you she chase you? Is the a front for you not wanting to give in again? Who will win prank wars?

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