Nighty Night

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A/N: Welp here's something. Dont forget to vote if you liked it. Should i make more imagines like this?

Drunk texting Demi.........

Y/N: Babe talk to meeeeeeeeee. I think I'm coming home, at least thats where Ehko said he would drop me.

Demi: Y/N, you know i don't like when you drunk text me even though its hilarious. Are you overly drunk?

Y/N: Do birds fly?

Demi: Penguins don't...........


Y/N: Babyyyyyyyy, can we get nakey together when i get wherever Ehko drops me? Ill send you the address when i get there if you wanna come through😏


Y/N: Oh thats so nice of him☺️ So like i was saying can you come to me when reach wherever we're going?

Demi: Yes babe. Yes i will come but i have a strong feeling that i will magically appear there.

YY/N: Your a fucking magician????????? Did you make the lovee of my life dissappear? If yov did i'll fvck you op and make you bring her back. Dont fvucking mess with me bitch.

Demi: No babe its me, still Demi here. I have not left to go anywhere.

Y/N: Babe OMG there was this magician who said that they made you disappear and i was about to beat a bitch up.

Demi's POV:

This went on for at least 30 minutes until i hear a car pull up in the driveway. "She's all yours......Oh and she was babbling about beating some magicians ass and in awe about how penguins cant fly but still  are birds but yh....." Ehko said to me before walking out and leaving.

Y/N: Babe you came for me, this is a nice fucking house....We should get one like this!!!!!

Demi: Surprise its ours now lets get you upstairs and change your clothes....

Y/N: Wait i should call Ehko and let him know i got home, i think he'd be worried....

Demi: Dont worry i think he knows you got home, now take my hand so we can get you to bed.

Y/N: I see what you implying, I'm always down to do a little bedroom hokey pokey.....

Demi: Oh my god you did not just say that, anyway now come on.

I helped Y/N up the stairs surprisingly with no problem and made it do the bedroom. I began taking off her clothes when i felt her pull me to straddle her and started kissing me. " Babe your drunk and you know we cant while your drunk..." i said against her lips. " How can i not, do you own a mirror" she slurs. I hopped off of her and grabbed some pajamas. I tried putting it on her but she began to put up a fight....

Demi: Y/N! Let me get you dressed!!!!

Y/N: Nooooooo way Jose'. I want to be free and nakey. Now how about you get nakey too and we'll have ourselves a little party.

Demi: Get your ass back here!!!!!!

Y/N: You cant catch me, you cant catch me!!!!

This was gonna be another task in itself. I finally tackled her to the ground, she trying to et away or course, but i did it, she was now fully dressed. She got up and frowned and i grabbed her arm and led her to the bed. "I love you soooooo much pretty lady...Nighty night" she said throwing her head against the pillow. " I love you too babe now get some sleep..." i replied. It wasn't long before i could hear snoring next to me. I always stay up a little later than Y/N when she was drunk just incase she needed a bucket or something but i think she was good because i made her drink at least 3 glasses of water and gave her bread. She started to stir a bit but calmed down. I finally decide to go to sleep and i felt Y/N spoon me and nuzzle into the back of my head.


My alarm went off and i shifted in the bed only to find it was empty. I sat up in the bed and stretched and saw that the bathroom door was open. I creeped inside only to find Y/N draped over the toilet. " Hangovers are the fucking worst, good thing i don't do this all the time..." she looked at me and said. "Maybe i can magically make it disappear..." I said laughing. " "What????" "Nothing long story, i'll tell you all about it and how amazed you are with penguins". She couldn't believe everything i was telling her but she laughed hysterically. "Wow i don't know how you put up with me but i fucking love you.." she said before kissing me. "And i love you too.." i smiled at her before continuing what she tried to do last night.

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