Nighty Night pt.2

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A/N: Well ok, whatever this was. Idk what else to right about, any suggestions? Vote if you liked it!

Demi POV

So y/n went out again, making sure i was ok with it, and the texts just start rolling in and its fucking unbelievably funnier than the other times...

Texting Y/N.........

Y/N: Babe.

Demi: Yes baby girl are you okay?

Y/N: Yes but i have to tell you something and take me serious okay?

Demi: OK....


Demi: You're drunk aren't you?

Y/N: Maybe a little

Demi: Are you coming home soon?

Y/N: I don't know i have to find Ehko.😐

Y/N: Babyyyyyyyyy 👅💦 Can we shimmy shake when i get there? Pleaseeeeee?

Demi: Babe what the fuck is shimmy shake?

Y/N: You know....Bedroom Peek-a-boo, Doing the Deed, the slap and tickle........

Demi:😂😂 You mean fuck? No way!

Y/N: I promise im not drunk, like i can literally say the alphabet backwards.... watch me.

Y/N: See i told you i could, i didn't even miss a letter.

Demi: I cant hear you babe, we are not together right now.😓

Y/N: You're breaking up with me, i cant lose you, i love you and need you don't do this to me.....please Demi i fucking love you.

Demi: No No No thats not what i meant, i mean we are just not in the same place right now.

Y/N: You scared me 😱

Y/N: Anyways back to my previous question, i said the alphabet backwards now can we get jiggy with it????

Demi:Nah i don't think so and anyways let me know hen you leave to head home.

Y/N: Ok my love and then we can butter the biscuits 😘


Half an hour later...........

Y/N: Babe I'm coming home now.......Cant wait to have sexy time!!!!

Demi: ......

Y/N: Why are you taking so long to type?

Demi: Babe i typed this dots to you..😐

Y/N: Ohhhhhh shit😱

Y/N: So when i get home and prove I'm not drunk, can we have sexual intercourse?

Demi: Fucking autocorrect is making you not look drunk and its amazing.....😂

Y/N: ☺️

So not long after Ehko's car pulled up. " Demi I've been looking for her for like an hour and this bitch was sitting in a closet because apparently she wanted to go to Narnia and then she said she was crying because she thought you broke up with her and thats not even all...." Ehko came inside explaining to me. "Thanks Ehko, but Narnia though???" i asked laughing. Ehko left and i went back to take care of my clearly drunk girlfriend.

Demi: So babe Ehko said that yo-.

Demi: Babe?

I walked in the living room and this bitch was gone and now i have to find her. "Y/N get your ass out here now!" I yelled through the entire house. I then remembered Ehko saying something about Narnia and low and behold she was in the guest bedroom in the closet. " Babe you wanna go to Narnia with me?" she asked in a slurring manner.

Demi: Babe come out of there please!

Y/N: How about a proposition?

Demi: Proposition my tits now come on!

Y/N: I mean they can be apart of the proposition if you want?

Demi: Y/N Im not gonna ask again and if i do I'm coming in there to pull you out myself!

Y/N: If you get nakey then ill come out.

Y/N: Then and only then!

Demi: How about you come out and you get nakey first?

Y/N: Okkkkkk!!!!!!

Thus was the perfect time for me to change her clothes hopefully she doesn't put up a fight. She got out of the closet and started stripping off her clothes layer by layer. I already can tell that getting her dressed is going to be a shitastrophy. I stopped her before she could take off her underwear and bra. I knew she wouldn't let me put clothes on her so i started kissing her and she fell back on the bed and i straddled her. I stopped immediately and tried to get a shirt over her head but next thing i know she was running out the door downstairs.



Demi: Let me put clothes on you babe!

Y/N: Babe doesn't my ass look great? Like wow!

Demi: Im not gonna chase you forever!

Y/N: Only if you go upstairs and do the Hanky Panky with me!

Demi: Hanky Panky?

Y/N: Let me be cat woman and devour you kitten!!!!!!!

Demi: Let me put clothes on you!!!!


She ended up running in the bedroom and me right behind her. I turned the corner of the bedroom door and she is fucking gone. Where could she have gone in that little of time? I checked the closet, in case she wanted to go to Narnia again, and also the bathroom but nothing. " Y/N...." i drag out each syllable of her name. I hear a little giggle under the bed. Fuck she's quick. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her from under the bed and sat on her stomach. " Babe i know you want me right now and i also want you but you know we cant while your drunk ok?" I said calmly to her. " Ok baby, can i at least kiss you?" she asked pouting out her lip. " After you put clothes on and get in bed..." and she did just that. She cuddled up to me and i finally gave her the kiss she asked for and went to sleep. Y/N makes me happy even when she's drunk. There's nothing she can do to make me not love her.

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