My Point Exactly

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A/N: Don't know what this is but here you go. Not gonna lie, kinda liked it but whatever. Tell me what you think. I also take request and stuff so yh. Enjoy!!!

You just got back from picking up dinner for you and Demi. Pulling up in your driveway you see a car you don't recognize. Getting out the car you glanced in the unrecognized vehicle and saw some familiar dice hanging on the rearview mirror. 'Oh shit!' you thought to yourself. You can hear yelling and you bust open the front door  dropping the food next to the entrance. You see Demi holding her jaw and your ex, Raina, standing over her. Immediately you gripped Raina and shoved her against the wall...

Raina: Hey babe your home, I was just trying to get this stupid ass bitc-..

You cut her off by gripping her neck and slamming her against the wall...

Y/N: Listen to me, you will never lay a hand on my wife again. Why the fuck are you even here, I have a restraining order against you for the same reason.

Raine: Baby i know you still love me and a stupid piece of paper won't keep me away...

Y/N: Let me explain something to you bitch! 1. I DO NOT LOVE YOU! 2. If a piece of paper won't keep you away maybe a fucking jail cell will. I gave you a chance to stay away on your own but if i have to force you to then will......

You released her and went over to Demi who was now standing up. You gently cupped her face in your hands and asked her if she was okay to which she nodded yes.

Raina: Baby why are you helping her, i know you still want me!

Y/N: Stop calling me baby, only my wife gets to call me that and you are nothing like my wife. She is more woman that you could ever be and i'll be damned if i let you come up in here and lay your hands on her without me doing something about it......

Raina:Fuck that bitch! She will never give you everything that i could...

I looked at Demi and you could see the anger in her eyes. I turned her head towards me and forced her to look in my eyes because I know exactly what she was thinking.

Raina: What do you see in her anyways? This bitch ass girl is not enough for you, just come back to me and i'll take care of you.

Demi: Im about to beat this bitch up...

And before you knew if Demi was now straddling Raina and got a good two pushes in before you pulled her off. Raina automatically stood up wiping the blood from her lip.

Raina: You gonna let her do that to me? Come take care of me Y/N. *Raina scoffs*.

Y/N: Damn straight i am gonna let her do it *looks at Demi*. Babe that shit was sexy as fuck.

You gripped Demi's waist and kissed her ever so perfectly.

Raina: You know what you deserve each other. You don't deserve me Y/N. She will never be anything like me, you will never find anyone like me....

Y/N: Bitch thats my fucking point exactly. I don't want you, Demi doesn't need to be anything like you. Thats why your an 'ex' for a reason. Say it with me Raina E-X.

Demi gave her that 'ouch that must've burned' look. (like in the picture).

Raina: Fuck you Y/N.

Y/N: Oh Demi definitely will.

Raina walked out of the door and out of you and Demi's life for good. You turned to Demi and gripped her waist again. "I wasn't kidding when i said that that shit was sexy as fuck. I mean babe hold me down like that more often..." you say grinning at her. "Oh you liked that huh?" she replied. Before you knew it you were on the kitchen counter being pinned down by Demi. 'Fuck why is she so hot' thinking to yourself. "Oh shit babe i dropped the food by the door.." you were cut off by her luscious lips. "Dont you think dinner can wait, i was thinking i could have dessert after that little fracas....." she said seductively. "Fracas babe really? But i do think it can wait" she resumed kissing you and you were just happy that you could call her your wife. You were lucky as fuck.

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