Real Love

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Demi had recently got frustrated with her management, and got mad at you because you didn't 'comfort' her. Be aware that she is the one who told you to give her space whenever they got her frustrated so she wouldn't say anything that she would regret. And of course she's furious with you because you decided to give her space. Now you've been texting her for days now and she either doesn't reply or gives young word answers.

*Texting her*

Y/N: Babe are you still mad at me? Im sorry but you told me to give you space. Please forgive me for not knowing that you wanted me there........😢

Demi: ......

Y/N: So not even a one word answer?


Y/N: Wow Lovato. Fuck me?

Demi: Nah

Y/N: Not what i meant but i do miss you🙄

Demi: 🖕

You've had enough of this, so you decide to drive to Demi's house and stop to pick up a few things or her. As you pulled up to the final stop before Demi's house you feel your phone vibrate and look at the messages...




Demi: Fuck you😐

Y/N: Oh you will 😌

Demi: What?

Demi: No i won't........

Demi: So you're not gonna answer me now?

Demi: Y/N!!!!!!!

Demi: ok problem.🖕

You read Demi's messages on the way and just smiled to yourself because you knew you had everything to make it right between you. When you reached her house you snapped a picture of everything you got her and sent it to her.

Y/N: Babe I brought a peace offering. Please come open the door, I know you can hear me knocking.

Demi: Drop them and leave 😶

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Demi: Drop them and leave 😶

Y/N: Babe come on.......😟

Y/N: How about now?

Y/N: How about now?

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Demi: Fine😒

She opens then door and grabs the snacks and you carry in the pizza. You take then into the living room and she starts tearing open everything. You managed to make small conversation with her but she seemed to be more focused on the tv show playing. After she's had enough of the peace offering basket you brought her, she gets up and walks in the bedroom. You hear a bit of shuffling and footsteps getting closer to where you were. She was now in some shorts, i do mean short as fuck, and a crop top. She plopped herself back down on the couch as far from you as possible. "So you're not gonna say anything to me?" you asked her. "Fine, i'll just leave then..." you added getting up. You could feel that she was looking at you leave and that she was probably really upset because even though you wanted sex, she wanted no needed it more than you. You feel your phone buzz....


Y/N: So now am i forgiven and also you don't wanna talk to me but you can text me?😐

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Y/N: So now am i forgiven and also you don't wanna talk to me but you can text me?😐

She doesn't reply and you feel a warm breath on your neck as she whispers, " Yes you are forgiven.....". You spin around to face her and she's giving you puppy dog eyes and adds, "Ok maybe i overreacted and yes i apologize for it, sooooo with that being said, i fucking need you now....". "I don't know Demi, you didn't wanna talk to me, maybe i should leave..." you tut jokingly. "Maybe i can make it up to you...." she replied smirking. You gripped her waist and shoved her against the wall. You say faintly in her ear, "I'm gonna tease you until there's no tomorrow....and maybe i'll give you what we both know you want.....". She winces at the fact that you were pressed against her and she slowly grinding against you. "Fuck..." was all she could get out of her lips.

A/N: I guess this was ok but whatever. Tell me what you think.

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