The Crimson Cat

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Tumblr Request: "Tim Drake x Reader where the reader is Catwomans new sidekick the Crimson Cat and she was raised by the Gotham rouges so she's super off grid. Then one day she starts flirting with him and goes "Want a real challenge Red Robin? Find out who I am. I might even give you something nice for it...a kiss maybe?""


As exciting vigilante life could be, for Tim lately it's been boring. He did his patrols, fought the occasional supervillain. But mostly his nights were full of street thugs and his brothers bickering in his ear over coms. Whether it was Jason complaining about something, Dick being overly excited about another thing, or Damian being his usual negative nancy. It was honestly getting mind numbing for him.

So, here he sat. On the edge of a rooftop as his chin rested in his hand, currently listening to Damian and Dick bicker over something completely unrelated to patrol. Wishing he'd taken up that offer Bruce gave him to join up on a league mission. But no, he stayed behind to keep the city safe and not leave his brother's hanging.

With a sigh he watched the city twinkle in the night. Listening for any sirens or anything from Alfred back at the cave.

Much to his luck, Alfred came over his com on a different channel a few seconds later. "Master Timothy, there appears to be a robbery at the jewelry store on 10th."

"On it Alfred" Tim was quick to reply as he stood up. Quickly making his way to the jewelry store.

He surveyed the surroundings and checked for an entry point. Finding a back vent that was taken off the bolts and left open. The vent was the last thing he checked, meaning this person knew what they were doing. He had to watch his back here.

Quietly, he slipped inside. Making sure that no noise was produced from his movements that would give away his position. He scoured the store, finding jewelry missing but no perpetrator. He brought his hand up to his communicator, "Alfred I'm not seeing anything. Whoever was here, they're gone. I'm gonna pull security cams for you and look around here."

"I will look over that footage and get back to you as soon as I can." Alfred said as Tim transferred the footage to the batcomputer.

He proceeded to look around for any clues. Fingerprints, a dropped weapon, anything to give away who was here. But completely unaware of the masked eyes following his every move.

"Master Tim, I've looked over the footage. It appears someone came in, but I have yet to find footage of them leaving." Alfred said and Tim immediately perked up. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, whoever was in there is still in there."

Tim turned around and immediately felt something tackle him. He hissed but felt someone pin him down and something sharp against his throat. "Don't struggle." The voice said. When his vision cleared he was able to make-out who was on top of him. It looked like... Selina?

"S-Selina?" He squinted. The person giggled, "Close~" Their claw lightly glided over his skin.

"Who are you?" He tried to flip them, but it only lead to him being flipped again and pinned on his back. The figure giggled again, "I'm Catwoman's new protégée. She took me under her claw when the rogues started to take a liking to me. Something about not getting mixed in with the wrong villains."

Tim growled and fought against your grip more, though he was caught off guard when you let his wrists go and sat up, now straddling him, as a clawed hand rested on his chest. He tried to suppress it but a blush did spring to his cheeks. You grinned having noticed "Oh, am I making you nervous?" You leaned down closer to his face, where your lips barely ghosted over his.

Tim turned his face away from yours. Smirking, you shrugged and climbed off him. "You didn't have much trouble finding my entrance." Walking around the jewelry store and trailing your gloved fingers over the glass cases.

Tim quickly got up and watched you carefully, "Why didn't you leave when I got here?" He drew his bo staff in a defensive stance.

Rolling your eyes you sat up on a case and swung your legs over the other side to be behind the counter. Reaching in and pulling a diamond encrusted bracelet from it before holding it up to get a better look. "You looked fun" You went to drop the bracelet in your pouch but it was knocked out of your hand by a batarang. "Well that wasn't fun."

"I'm not going to just let you walk out of here. Put the jewelry back and come with me. I can get you help. Just tell me your name."

That made you laugh, hopping over the case again you unsheathed your claws. "You don't want to help me, you want to lock me up." He threw another batarang but your claws cut right through it. "And frankly I don't want your help. I like being who I am, I like being the Crimson Cat, and if you don't like that Red Robin then take some action to stop me. Don't stand there like a love-struck schoolboy."

Tim's hands tightened on his bo staff. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You wish you could hurt me" Your eyes narrowed.

With that he lunged at you, though he was shocked to find you easily evade his attack and kick him in the gut, then scratch his arm. "Ack!" He grunted as the stinging pain surfaced in his arm.

He growled and swung his bo staff again but you hit it out of the way and clawed him again, this time catching his cheek. "You're holding back!" You growled and kicked him back. Blood dripped down his face, he was gonna need stitches.

Fed up you stormed over and grabbed him by the costume. "Do you think I'm some sort of joke?! Here, what if I say this. You want a real challenge Red Robin? Find out who I am. I might even give you something nice for it...a kiss maybe?" You smirked as you noticed a pink tinge his cheeks again.

"Are we done here? Because I have a rendezvous to be on time for." Grabbing a knife from your belt you staked it into the ground, pinning his cape down. "Don't follow too close bird boy." Saying before you stood up and made your exit.

Tim panted and watched you leave, completely awestruck.

"Master Timothy?" Alfred brought him back to reality. "You haven't moved for sometime, are you alright?"

"Uh, y-yeah." He gulped. "Alfred I need you to dig me up everything you can on someone until I get back."

"And who might that be?"

"A new rogue, the Crimson Cat."

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now