Oblivious Birthday

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July 19th. A very special day to you and a certain someone very close to you. Today is Tim's birthday! And knowing him, he's probably forgotten about it himself. He'd been caught up on a case the past few days and been oblivious to the date in general. He barely even looked up from his laptop the past few days, only to get a fresh cup of coffee or when you forced him to eat and take a nap.

Though today he was even more oblivious than usual. Getting up in the morning you found him on the couch, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders that you had put there the night prior. Sighing you walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Morning babe." He grumbled something, still focused on his computer. Reaching over you closed the laptop, breaking its hold on him. "Do you even remember what today is?" You chuckled. "Umm, Wednesday?" He smiled as you rolled your eyes. "You're hopeless" Laughing before you walked away.

He got up and followed you into the kitchen. "What's today?" Stretching his back as he walked in. You handed him a cup of coffee prepared to his liking. "Don't worry about it, we just have to head to the manor around 6. Maybe that will jog your memory when we get there." Tim nodded while taking a sip from the mug in his hands. "You make the best coffee you know that?" He grinned, as you laughed again. "Whatever you say babe. You should shower, you smell." Taking the mug from his hands and pushing him toward the bathroom.

"Alright alright I'm going" He said before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. Hearing the shower turn on you pulled out your phone to call Dick to check up on things there. "Hello?" You heard Dick's voice on the other end. "Hey Dick, just checking in. Everything ready for tonight?" You heard him chuckle on the other end. "Yup, everyone you invited will be here and the manor is ready. Just tell me, he's been working on this case, does he even remember it's his birthday?" "Not a clue" Laughing while making sure the bathroom door was still closed.

Dick could be heard laughing on the other end. "Well, that sounds like Tim. See you both in a few hours" You smiled into the phone, "Thanks for your help Dick. See you soon." Saying before you hung up the phone. Tim was still showering as the phone call was only a few minutes. Knowing him, it was a good guess that he hadn't eaten yet. So, you headed into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for him. When he walked into the kitchen he only had a pair of jeans on with his shirt in his hands.

You whistled when seeing him. "What'd I do to deserve all that?" Smirking at him as he rolled his eyes. "Shush you." Laughing you handed him the plate after he pulled on his shirt. "What's this?"

"Food, something you should be seeing more often than you do. So eat it." You shoved the plate further in his arms. He chuckled before going and sitting at the table. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" He questioned before shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth. "Oh uh" You thought, "I took the day off to help Dick with some stuff at the manor." It wasn't a complete lie.

He looked at you suspiciously before shrugging and going back to eating. Smiling you joined him, you both chatted about random things as you ate. His topic mostly being the new case he's been working on. You nodded and followed along as he explained. When finishing he cleared the table and did the dishes as you got up to go get ready for the day.

As you showered and got ready, Tim returned to his work on the computer. Though that was short lived as you returned and rested your hands on his shoulders. "Want to come run a few errands with me before we go to the manor?" Tim looked over at you, "You said we don't have to be there until 6." Sighing, your arms wrapped around his shoulders as your head buried in his neck. "I was thinking we could go to lunch, maybe to Best Buy to look at that new laptop you liked." Tim's eyes lit up, "Really? That'd be awesome! The processing speed on that one is incredible."

You laughed, kissing his cheek. "I know, it's all you talk about. Let's go." Nodding he stood up and followed you, grabbing his car keys.

After a few hours of running around and taking Tim to his favorite places, you both headed toward the manor. He was going on and on about that computer and how badly he needed to start saving up for it. He was on the topic all the way up to the manor door. "Uh-huh Tim, this is the third time you talked about the definition of the screen" Laughing as you opened the door. Tim was confused as to where Alfred was, as he always answers the door.

He walked in behind you. "Where is everyone?" Looking around to see the rooms dark. "Hm, I don't know. You check the living room, I'll check the kitchen?" He nodded before heading in that direction as you silently followed behind him.

Walking into the living room all the lights flicked on as everyone jumped out yelling "SURPRISE!" Tim jumped back slightly from the fright by his friends and family. Though he soon laughed and looked around before feeling you jump on his back. "Happy Birthday Tim!" Hugging him tightly. "Whoa, this is amazing you guys. I honestly forgot it was my birthday."

"No surprise there" Conner laughed. "It's a good thing you have [F/n] or you'd forget your own name."

You laughed from beside him. Tim then went around and said 'hello's to everyone there. Even Jason had shown up. It made you happy to see Tim so happy. Pretty soon Alfred had called for dinner. He made Tim's favorite, along with the cake right after. It being beautifully decorated.

After cake it was time for gifts and you waited to go last. He got quite a few gag gifts but also some very thoughtful ones. When it was your turn you presented him a medium sized box wrapped in Batman themed wrapping paper. Getting a chuckle out of everyone. When he opened the box his eyes widened and jaw dropped. "[F/n], this is.." "The laptop you've been freaking out about for over a month. That has the most high definition screen and fastest processor on the market." You laughed as he hugged you tightly. "This must've been a fortune."

You shook your head, "Bruce and Alfred helped me out some. It's from all of us." Shrugging as he grinned "Thank you so much babe." You kissed his cheek before he stood up to go thank Bruce and Alfred, giving them each a quick hug before returning to you. Telling you, "I love you," before pressing a kiss to you lips, earning some whistles from his brothers and friends. You laughed before resting your forehead to his, "I love you too. Happy Birthday Red Robin."

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now