Investigative [F/n]

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Tumblr Request: "Omg! Jules can you please please please times a thousand do an imagine based off your Tim insta-edit where he and his s/o dig up dirt on his bros? A million times thanks!"

Inspired by insta-edit (


You were laying on Tim's bed in the Manor while he was doing some investigation work for Bruce. You had known he was for a while now, learning your boyfriend is a vigilante turned your perception on things a bit. You started questioning certain things, trying to find answers to those questions. It made you want to look into how to investigate things too.

Looking at Tim from where you laid on his bed, you tried to get a view of his laptop screen to figure out what he was looking at. However, you couldn't see anything. A huff escaped your throat and you rolled off his bed groaning. "Tim, I'm bored. Let's do something."

He stopped his typing and turned in his seat. "Like?"

You shrugged and walked over, climbing on his lap. "Want to get something to eat?" Your arms wound around his neck as you played with his hair.

"Alfred made me eat before you got here. I really need to do some more work on this case for Bruce too. But I promise when I'm done we can go get coffee or a snack or something." He said and rubbed your sides.

With a sigh you nodded and climbed off him. "Okay, okay." As he went back to his computer you looked around his room, spotting a camera on his nightstand. "Say can I borrow your camera?"

"What for?" He asked without looking away from his screen.

"School project" You lied but he wasn't paying enough attention to notices.

He nodded, "Yeah sure babe."

Grinning you picked it up and left his room before wandering around the manor. Soon you heard the front door open and close. Jason came waltzing in with his helmet loosely hanging in one hand and his phone in the other. Smirking, you followed him to the back garden, where he was presumably looking for Alfred. He unzipped his jacket when he stopped to look around.

That's when you saw the batman t-shirt underneath. Snickering you pulled out the jacket and snapped a picture of him before scurrying back inside before he could see you.

Looking at the picture you caught, you ended up wandering into the kitchen. Dick was in there, again grabbing a box of Trix from the cupboard. You watched from around the corner as he searched the cupboard for bowls. However he came up short with each cupboard door he opened.

Eventually he reached the mug cupboard, he shrugged and grabbed a mug. Pouring in the cereal than adding milk. Pulling out your camera you snapped a picture before turning around and walking away from the room.

Next you just had to find Damian, however you couldn't find him anywhere. Though you did find Titus. He barked and whined at you. Petting his head, you followed him into the next room. Only to be greeted by a tiny puppy to be asleep on the couch. "Where did you come from?" The question entered your lips as you walked over.

The puppy didn't stir and Titus wined at it, wanting to play. Pulling out the camera, you snapped another picture.

"Roselin" Damian called as he walked in the room. You looked over at him and the puppy woke up.

"Damian? Does your dad know about this puppy?" You asked and he tried to think of an excuse but couldn't think of anything. "[L/n] you cannot tell him."

Your eyebrow rose, "And why is that?"

"Because you're the only one I tolerate in this household."

"Awww" You cooed. "Okay I won't tell him. But I have to get back to Tim. Bye Damian" You waved before heading back up to Tim's room with the camera in hand.

"Where did you go?" He immediately looked at you from his seat. A wide grin was plastered on your face. "I dug up some dirt on your brothers and got evidence" You held up the camera.

He cocked an eyebrow and stood up to walk over. "You have my attention."

Smirking you showed him the pictures and he chuckled at them. "My little detective" He kissed your cheek. "What are you gonna do with them?"

"Post them on instagram." You took out the memory card to pop in your computer.

"Jason and Damian gonna be pissed, Dick will have no shame."

"I know, it's what makes it funny." You laughed and downloaded the pictures before posting them.

All three of his brother's phones dinged at the same time from you tagging them. You counted down from three until you heard your name being yelled from three different directions.

"Detective [F/n] one - Batfamily zero"

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now