How Crazy You Drive Me

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Tumblr Request: "Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if I'm missing something but can you do prompts 9 & 25 from the second prompt list with Tim Drake? If not don't worry about it, thank you and I love your writing btw❤️❤️❤️"

9: "You mean too much to me."
25: "What the hell were you thinking?!"


You came storming into the cave after patrol, utterly pissed and not planning on stopping. That is until Alfred stepped in front of you, gesturing to the large gash in your suit and the wound that needed tended to. Funny, you didn't even feel it you were so angry.

With a sigh you sat down in the chair and let Alfred tend to it. His eyes flickered back and forth from the wound to your face. "Master Timothy did something?" He asked nonchalantly.

Your head snapped to look at him, he really could read everyone in this manor. Sighing you nodded. "He treats me like I'm a rookie, I understand he worries because he cares but he won't let me do my job out there."

"Perhaps he feels there is a better way to go about things?" Alfred asked and pulled the needle through your skin as he stitched you up.

"I know what I'm doing out there Alfred." You said with an exasperated tone in your voice as your other hand ran through your hair.

He chuckled, "I don't doubt it."

"Wish Tim felt that way" You mumbled just as a motorcycle came screeching in. "Speak of the devil."

Tim swung his leg over the bike as he pulled off his helmet. "What the hell were you thinking?!" He yelled as he stormed over to you, making you roll your eyes. "I'm not in the mood for this Tim." You answered as Alfred wrapped gauze around your arm to cover the stitches. Once he finished you got up to leave the cave.

"We're not done here [F/n]!" Tim followed you up to the kitchen.

With a sigh you poured a glass of water before leaning against the counter. "If I wanted a lecture I'd talk to your father Tim. I don't need one from you."

"Too bad because we're talking about what just happened out there. About how you almost got shot three times!" He took a step toward you.

Your eyes narrowed as you snapped, "I did what was necessary!"

"You almost died!" That was louder than his prior yelling, you'd never heard him yell like that. His voice was laced with fear, anger, and sadness. "I...I can't lose you [F/n]." He calmed down. "You mean too much to me. I just can't lose you."

Your expression softened as you set your glass down, walking over to him and cupping his face in your hands. His gently rested on your arms where your elbow bent. "You won't lose me." You shook your head. "You just have to trust me out there. I know what I'm doing, and because of that I won't let you lose me."

He smiled a little. "I do trust you. You just take risks [F/n]. Unnecessary risks." His voice was calmer now and his eyes were slightly glossy as you stared up into them.

"That's just how I do things. You may think they're unnecessary, but that's my fighting style." You shrugged and he rubbed his face. "Then let me teach you some ways that are less abrasive, please. If not for you then for me."

His eyes were pleading for you to say yes, and you hated when he looked at you with such desperation. Sighing you nodded, "Okay, but I'm not changing my fighting style completely."

"I can respect that." He nodded and you kissed his palm. "I just love you so much." He admitted and that caused a smile to pull at your lips.

"I love you too baby, no matter how crazy you drive me."

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now