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Tumblr Request: "Hiiiii! Could I maybe get Tim Drake x reader with #1 from the trope list and #65 from the kiss list? Thank you so so much!!!"

Prompt #1: There's people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you're close
Prompt #65: One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other

Reader Type: Neutral


Breaths intermingled as chests heaved. Your back pressed to the brickwall to make yourselves as invisible from the street as possible. Tim had pulled you into a tiny alley, pushing you against the bricks as a group of Penguin's thugs went running past.

A mission had gone awry and the both of you had gotten out in the knick of time.

Tim looked down at you, still catching his breath. "You okay?" He asked and looked you over for any injuries. You nodded and just realized how you were holding onto the straps connecting to his Red Robin emblem. Keeping him close to you.

Looking up, you were met with his domino mask but you could feel his eyes watching you from behind it. The proximity made your heart race and heat rise to your cheeks. Gulping you licked your lips which suddenly felt dry. "You?"

Tim took note of your action and was happy his mask covered up where a blush began to dust his cheeks. He forced himself to nod and rested his forehead against yours, in both relief and exhaustion.

"That was too close." He whispered, the air of his breath ghosting over your face.

Nodding your hands unlatched from his emblem and moved up to gently cup his face. Tim leaned into your touch before gently pressing his lips to yours. It was short and grounding, pulling him back down off his adrenaline high. He pulled away from you for an instant, gazed down at you, then crashed his lips into yours again.

A small groan escaped you while you returned it desperately, a hand clutching at his shoulders now and another tangled in his hair so he couldn't pull away from you again.

As your lungs screamed for air, you pulled back and panted. "Yeah, too close." Mumbling before letting your hand slide off his shoulder and pat his chest.

A voice came over your coms, asking if you were alright.

Exchanging a look Tim sighed and answered Batman, saying you were both okay. After the call he looked back at you, the feeling of your lips still lingering on his. "Ready to get back to work?"

You nodded and took a step away from him. "We'll finish that later."

He felt the heat burn in his cheeks further as you stepped away from him. Shaking his head, he brought himself back to Earth and jogged to catch up to you. His hand slid in yours before grappling up to a new building, leaving the moment behind in the alley.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now