Can't Do It

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Tumblr Request: "For the angst prompt can you do 14 with Tim?"

Prompt 14: "You're so determined to protect yourself and your feelings, but what about me?"


You sat in the living room of your apartment. Hands raked in your hair as you sat leaning on your knees while one of them bounced up and down nervously. Terrible situations and reasoning as to why he was late flew threw your mind.

Tim was never late past 3 AM. Yes, that's late already but knowing his night job it wasn't abnormal anymore. But it's 4AM, an hour past his norm without a single call or text. He had been acting strangely lately. Tim has always been a bit of a closed off person but with you he was pretty open. But as of late he barely spoke or ate, just would jump right back into his work.

Your resolve was beginning to wear thin due to worry and you were about to call Bruce. Though the minute your hand touched the phone he came swiftly through the window. Throwing off his cowl the minute his boots hit the floor.

Jumping up from the couch you rushed over to him, "Jesus, you had me worried half to death Tim." Stopping in front of him. Approaching him quickly but immediately deterred by the way he wouldn't look at you. "Baby, what's wrong?" Taking the last few steps and cupping his face in your hands.

"Nothing" he pulled out of your grasp and slid by. Sighing you let him, you'll try and talk to him in a minute. Watching as he sat down on the couch and began to type away at his laptop. 'Does he ever put that thing down?' Thinking before walking behind him, reaching over his shoulder you shut the lid. "Timmy you need to take a shower and get out of your uniform, whatever this is will be here after. But you should sleep and eat something." Saying over his shoulder, swearing sometimes you felt like his caregiver rather than his girlfriend.

Mumbling under his breath he rose from the couch and went to the bathroom. Sighing and running a hand through your hair. "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks for asking. I only stayed up until all hours worrying about you." whispering to yourself before heading to the kitchen. Knowing full well he wouldn't eat anything if you didn't shove it down his throat.

You whipped up a sandwich for him while he was in the shower. He came out a few minutes later and found his place on the couch once more. Walking over you placed the plate in his lap, "Eat."

"Not hungry" he pushed the food away. Frustrated you set the plate on the table, letting out a sigh of aggravation. "Tim, what's wrong really? You're not eating, not speaking. Why won't you talk to me anymore?"

"[F/n], I really don't want to talk about this. I'm a little busy and I just can't." Never tearing his eyes away from the screen. You were beginning to have enough.

"GODDAMMIT TIM!" Yelling while pushing off the couch. His hands stopped above the keyboard. You had his attention but he still was staring at that damn computer. "Can you just fucking look at me? FOR ONCE!"

"I don't know what you want from me!" He closed the laptop and stood to face you. "What do I want?! I want you to talk to me Tim! Why can't you trust me?!" feeling tears well up in your eyes while you stared at him.

"You wouldn't understand! You're not out there, you don't see it [F/n]!" Raising his voice while gesturing to the city. "But I see you climbing into this damn apartment bruised nearly every night. Only to sit your ass in front of that laptop over and over again. I can't fucking take this anymore Tim! I can't sit in the dark anymore!" Feeling the tears finally break through your barriers and flood down your face. Quickly wiping them away with your sleeve and turning your back to take a few steps away.

He stayed silent as you turned to him again. "You're so determined to protect yourself and your feelings, but what about me? What about how I feel? I feel untrusted, ignored, unloved. You come in here an hour later than normal without a call, do you know how that looks? I thought you were dead or dying!" Not bothering to wipe the tears away any longer. His heart broke hearing you say that, had he really caused so much pain to you?

"[F/n] I- I just can't talk about it!" He rose his voice at you once more. Why can't he just fucking say what he feels?!

Gritting your teeth, you had enough. "Get out" growling at him through your tears. "What?" picking his head up to look at you. Taking in your tear stained cheeks and tense stature from pain and anger. "If you can't trust me, then what's the point of making me see you make yourself ill. I don't think my heart can take it Tim. It can barely take you putting your life on the line every night."

"[F/n] please" he reached for you but his hands were pushed away. "Please don't touch me, and just go. Please just get out." Saying in a barely audible whisper before covering your mouth and retreating into your bedroom. Shutting the door behind you and sliding down it. Muffling the sobs escaping your throat.

Tim stood outside the closed door, raising his hand to knock but hesitating. Painfully he shook his head before allowing his hand to drop to his side. Taking a step away from the door he turned and grabbed his coat and boots before scribbling something down on a note and exiting the apartment, tears rolling down his own cheeks. Thinking to himself, 'Why am I so damn weak?'

Hearing him exit you opened the door and saw the note on the back of the couch. Reading it before crumpling it up and throwing it in the corner. Another sob escaping your throat, leaning against the couch. The note having read:

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. I do love you, but I just can't do this to you."

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now