Immune System Failure

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Tumblr Request: "I'd like to request an imagine with Tim Drake and a sick reader. I just started following u and read a few of ur posts and I'm already loving it!!❤️"


It wasn't often that you got sick. You always strode to take proper care of yourself, if you even sniffled the Vitamin C bottle was out of the cupboard. You hated being sick, the body aches, runny nose, congestion, throwing up, all of it just made you antsy. Not to mention having to stay in quarantine at your apartment until you felt better. Staying busy is something you like, so bedrest isn't your thing.

But this time, it was just what the doctor ordered. Literally.

You just got home from a doctor's appointment having learned you have the stomach flu on top of a sinus infection. How this happened was a mystery to you, but alas, here you are; sick as a dog on your couch. Groaning you pulled a blanket over your figure and tried to get comfortable. Tossing and turning but never finding a comfortable position. Comfort seemed hopeless until you finally found a comfortable position that allowed you some relief from the achenes of the illness.

Though, just being the lucky person you are, someone knocked on your door. A loud groan escaped your throat before you rolled off the couch. Blanket wrapped tightly around you while opening the front door. Seeing your boyfriend standing there. "Whoa, you look awful." Tim took in your state. "Thanks" You deadpanned sarcastically, "That's just what I want to hear from my boyfriend." Turning and walking back into the apartment and to your couch again.

"I didn't mean it like that." Tim closed the door behind him before meeting you in the living room. "Are you okay?" He petted your hair before you shook your head. "I have the stomach flu and a sinus infection and I welcome death with a warm embrace." Saying before burying your face in a pillow. Tim rolled his eyes at your dramatics, "You sound like Dick." He teased.

"Shut up" Mumbling before peeking up at him. He took the chance to feel your forehead, immediately noticing the fever. "Let me get you some medicine." He stood up and walked to your medicine cabinet in the kitchen. Sifting through the bottles and boxes until finding extra strength flu medication your doctor had prescribed. Filing a glass of water he came back out to the living room and gave you the pills and cup. "Thanks" You croaked before sitting up and taking the medication.

Tim rubbed your back. "Have you eaten?" He asked as you shook your head. Sighing he got his phone to call Alfred on how to make you soup. "You're as bad as me." Saying before Alfred answered. You simply laid back down and tried to fall back asleep. The medication made you drowsy, and you were knocked out the minute your head hit the pillow.

The only thing that brought you out of it was the smell of your favorite soup. Getting up from the bed you found Tim in the kitchen, stirring in a pot while talking to Alfred on speaker phone. Smiling at how nice the gesture was, from both Alfred and Tim. Leaving the kitchen you laid back down in the living room, waiting for Tim to finish.

Soon hearing him say goodbye to Alfred and then hanging up the phone. He came back to find you awake and scrolling through your phone. "Why didn't you tell me you woke up?" Shrugging, you answered, "I didn't want to bother you."

"You're never a bother." He shook his head, and you smiled. "Thank you Tim, for taking care of me." He kissed the top of your head, "I love you, it's what I'm here for. Also, I already told Bruce that I'm not going on patrol and I'm staying here until you feel better. You always take care of me when I don't sleep or eat or need patched up, so I'm here to take care of you."

Grinning you hugged him, "how do I deserve you?" He chuckled, "it's the other way around. Now come on, Alfred helped me make your favorite soup. Let's see how I did." Nodding you watched him get up and go to get you a bowl. Smiling you thought to yourself, 'With Tim, maybe being sick won't be so bad afterall.'

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now