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Tumblr Request: "I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Can you do some REALLY sad angst with Tim maybe and break my heart? Please?"

Warning: Angst, Death


Tim may not get along the best with Damian but you had a different relationship with him. You trusted the other a lot, you had become like an older sister to him. Also because you're not one of Bruce's adopted kids who all live in the same place, you treat him differently than the others. Tim honestly was fond at your relationship with him, not that he'd ever admit that.

So, when he came to you asking for help on a mission you couldn't help but hear him out. He told you about an abandoned warehouse where he believed some of Count Vertigo's goons to be making a hand off of a new experimental version of Vertigo for a good chunk of change.

You were a bit hesitant when he said it'd just be the both of you after all of his brothers and Bruce had said it would be too dangerous to go in on so little information. You were about to decline for the same reasons but he guilted you into it.

"Fine, I'll come. But only because you said we can handle it" Throwing your hands in the air in defeat.

"Great, thank you [L/n]. Just one thing, don't tell Drake" he nodded at you, but you raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Why?"

Damian diverted his eyes from yours, "Well, uh, we haven't gotten to do a mission together in a while and Drake would just come knowing his beloved was going." You knew Damian thought of you as a sister but you never realized how much until now.

You smiled and nodded at him, "Okay I won't tell Tim." Not knowing you'd regret those words later on.

You were suiting up to meet Damian the night of the mission he had planned. Though Tim walked in and gave you a questioning look. "What are you suiting up for? We don't have patrol tonight."

He watched as you holstered your pistol, "I promised Damian to join him on patrol tonight." Though he pouted at you, making you laugh "But I was looking forward to just having some us time." Walking over to him, taking his face in your hands and pressing a kiss to his lips "Don't worry I'll be back later, promise. Then we can have all of the us time you like. I love you" saying before kissing him once more.

He had his hands on your hips, "Okay just be careful." Reluctantly releasing you from his grip. As you walked over to the window with fire escape access. "Hey!" He stopped you as you had one leg out the window. He walked over and kissed you once more, "I love you too"

Smiling you kissed his cheek before slipping into the night. Meeting Damian on the roof of your apartment building.

"Ready?" He asked as you pulled yourself over the edge, feet landing on the roof. "Yeah, lead the way" gesturing for him to do so.

He began to jump roofs as you followed closely. Coming up on a warehouse that matched the one Damian had told you about prior to the mission. "This it?" Standing next to him on the roof. He nodded as you examined the area.

"We can slip in through those windows. I looked up the blueprints before tonight, there should be a catwalk that we can survey from." Pointing toward a set of dark windows. Damian nodded before making his way over as you did the same.

Once there you carefully pushed the window open before slipping inside and onto the catwalk. You both looked around the area, "I don't see anything. Should we drop down?" Looking at the boy at your side through your mask. He nodded and you both stealthily dropped behind some crates. Pointing your gun you peered around the crate.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now