Valentines Heights

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You aren't one for huge romantic gestures, cuddling up with your boy on Valentines Day, watching a movie was more than enough.

But because of how understanding and supportive you are to Tim's day and night job, he can't help but want to give you something more. So he spent the previous week making plans and scheduling, all the while keeping it hidden from your curiosity.

Constantly you were peering over his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of his laptop or cell phone. Though being the Red Robin he was, he easily evaded you. Leaving you to pout. You knew something really special was happening this Valentines Day when the night prior he actually went to bed. And slept... At a normal hour.. HE ACTUALLY SLEPT! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?

You just stared at him when he came into the bedroom. "What?" he chuckled, walking to the dresser to change.

"Are you feeling ok?" You questioned, slipping out of the bed. Walking up to him and feeling his forehead. He took your hand, "I'm fine, what's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into you? You're going to bed, at a normal time, and there's not a electronic in sight." Staring at him dumbfounded. He only laughed before leading you back to the bed. "Don't question it" he whispered before pulling you into bed with him.

He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. Saying "Just get some sleep" before kissing your hair.

Sighing you let yourself relax. The warmth of the blankets and your boyfriend lulling you to sleep.


The following morning you woke up, still surrounded by the same warmth from the night prior. Gingerly opening your eyes, they adjusted to the light flowing through the curtains.

A soft smile spread on your face when you saw Tim's peaceful expression. It wasn't often you got to see him like this. Even when he did go to bed with you, he'd be up long before you were. So you enjoyed this moment while you could.

Lifting one of your hands you ran it through his hair, brows furrowing in his sleep upon feeling your touch. A light chuckle escaped your lips and you nuzzled your nose into his chest, taking in his scent.

His arms wrapped around you tighter, looking back up to his face catching his blue hues.

"Good morning" his voice was thick with sleep as he smiled at you.

"Good morning, love" you responded, "Hey" he pulled you to where his face was inches from yours "Happy Valentines Day"

You pecked his lips, "Happy Valentines Day... Valentine"

After dragging your ass out of bed, you went to make breakfast.

"I could make breakfast sweetheart" He offered wrapping his arms around your waist. You continued to crack eggs.

"How about you make us some coffee, which I know you do so well, and I'll make breakfast" you negotiated, feeling him retract his arms and head to the coffee maker.

Laughing upon hearing his sigh of relief after taking his first sip. "Feeling better?"

"If it weren't for you, coffee would be the love of my life." He smiled over to you. Feeling a blush spread to your cheeks you diverted your eyes to flipping the pancakes.

"I love it when you're bashful" He came up behind you, kissing your temple.

Sliding the last pancake onto a plate you turned to face him, "and I love you, now let's eat"

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now