Just Shy

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Tumblr Request: "Could you do one with Tim where the reader is really shy and because of that people think she's a snob but Tim and her get paired together on a project or something and they get to know each other and he finds out she's not really a snob"

Warning: Mentions of bullying.


You have never been a person who has wanted to be the center of attention. Being the center of attention makes you uncomfortable, often times you prefer to just keep to yourself in the back of the classroom. People may try to attempt conversation, but your shyness just makes you clam up even more.

Many of your classmates think you're being a snob or feel as though you think you're better than them. But they couldn't be more wrong, if they attempted to get to know you and be patient with your shyness, they'd learn you're just not good around new people, when you are more comfortable around people you can actually be rather outgoing. However, no one has made that attempt. Making school a living hell.

Group projects were your worst nightmare, meaning the words "You'll be in groups for this assignment" made your blood run cold. Your Physics teacher just announced you'd be making rockets out of water bottles, the groups were groups of two. Dread grew in you as the teacher began to list the pairs.

"Finally the last group will be [F/n] and Tim" the teacher announced, glancing you saw Tim Drake looking back at you, a kind smile on his face. You didn't mind him, he's always been nice to you. He's even stuck up for you before when some kids were talking shit about you. You didn't witness it but heard it through the gossip of the high school.

As soon as the teacher finished the explanation of the project the bell rang. "Alright everyone, this is due by Monday. Have a great weekend and stay safe." Your teacher yelled as students began to file out of the room. It being last period and everyone was eager to hang out with their friends.

Packing up your things, but noticing the figure come up in front of you. Peering up you saw Tim standing there. He smiled at you, "I guess we're partners." You simply nodded in response, your books hugged to your chest. "Um, if you're not busy today we could start on the project tonight." he offered, unsure of how you'd respond.

"I uh." Your voice was barely audible. "I don't have plans"

"Alright, will it be okay with your parents?" He asked, nodding in response he grinned wider. You could tell he was excited for this project, Tim was probably the smartest kid in the school. This was right up his alley. "Awesome, I can give you a ride if you like? My ride should be here." Tim pointed out of the classroom door.

"S-sure" stuttering before he lead you out of the school. You followed him up to a black town car with a older looking man standing outside of it.

"Hey Alfred" Tim called as you lagged behind him. "Hello Master Timothy, are you prepared to return to the manor?"

"Sounds good, oh and Alfred this is [F/n] we've been paired up for a project. She's coming over and we're going to work on it." Tim explained while gesturing to you. Alfred's eyes fell on you, "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss [F/n]" he nodded to you. Though your voice caught in your throat as you diverted your eyes. He seemed a bit shocked at your reaction, but Alfred must have known it was due to shyness. He smiled at you softly, "No need to be shy Miss [F/n], we don't bite. As long as you steer clear of Master Damian." Alfred said as Tim let out a laugh. Your eyes widened as you looked over at Tim worried. "Don't worry he's kidding" Tim assured before showing you into the car.

You watched out the window as the car drove out of the city. Blocking out the conversation Tim was having with Alfred. Nervously you fiddled with the hem of your skirt or the button of your uniform. You felt as if you should say something but just couldn't, you were scared you would say the wrong thing. You're currently in a town car with the handsome son of a billionaire. What were you going to say? You're simply the the daughter of working class parents who is going to Gotham Academy on a academic scholarship. This isn't really your normal.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now