Dancing & Jealousy

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[P/n] - Partners Name


It felt like a normal day enough, you had a new job from you manager. You're a dancer and have been casted to dance in a new music video. It'd be an understatement to say you 'like' your job. This is your dream job, you absolutely adore it. Getting to meet famous people, do what you love, and to make new friends with the people you meet at jobs, it's amazing!

Tim supports your dancing 100%. You've been dating for about three months now. Both of you do your own thing a lot of times. Yes, you hang out and go on dates but you both aren't very needy. He needs time with his work for Bruce and as Red Robin and you have rehearsals and training almost every day.

Today was no different. Except one thing, Tim decided he wanted to come watch your filming the video. He was finally pulling away from his computer for once. It left you a bit surprised when he asked if he could join you today, you warned him saying it'd probably get boring because there would be a lot of planning and working out steps today. Probably little filming.

But he was okay with it, saying he just wants to see what you do first hand. Which made you grin at him, very happy that he has interest in what you do. Maybe you could even teach him some moves some time.

Walking on to where you'd be shooting many people questioned who Tim was. Finding it adorable that your boyfriend wanted to come and watch you dance. Though Tim's demeanor changed when you introduced him to your partner.

"[F/n]!" A familiar voice yelled. Looking over to it you saw your partner. He's tall and muscular, definitely an attractive guy.

"Hey [P/n], ready for today?" You asked while walking over to him. He nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready to knock this out. They want to see a run through of the choreography though before we start planning the actual dancing in the video and recording." Explaining what the director of the video had told him to relay to you.

"Who's your friend?" he nodded to Tim behind you. Turning around you noticed his rather angry demeanor. Not thinking much of it you introduced him, "Oh, that's Tim my boyfriend! Tim come here!" you waved him over. Reluctantly he came to your side, you missing the glare he sent at [P/n]. "Tim this is my partner [P/n]."

"Nice to meet you" [P/n] stuck out his hand. Tim took it strongly, "Yeah" replying shortly. "I'll be over here" he kissed your cheek before retreating and leaving you confused.

"Uh excuse me a minute, I'll meet you at the rehearsal" Quickly excusing yourself before chasing after Tim.

"Hey, Tim wait up!" Calling while catching up to him. "Where are you going?" Stepping in front of him to cut off his course. "To call Bruce really quick."

"Is everything alright?" Your brows furrowed in concern. He nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." Though you were unconvinced, "Well we're about to rehearse, want to come watch and call Bruce after?" Intertwining your fingers with his. "[F/n] I-" He began but you cut him off, "Please, that's why you came. No?"

He sighed in defeat before allowing you to lead him over to where you were rehearsing. Leaving his side you joined [P/n] to begin. The director calling out what he wanted to see, skipping over portions where they would be showing the band during the video. The song you were doing is "Something Just Like This" by Coldplay + The Chainsmokers.

Portions during the chorus were when you and [P/n] would be recorded and a few other parts. Getting ready to start you sent Tim a smile before the music began to play signalling for you to start.

Tim stood by watching, in awed by your dancing and the skill you have. However, he couldn't help but feel angry. The dancing was rather intimate at times, not dirty dancing, just close. He didn't realize he was the jealous type until right now. His blood would boil anytime [P/n] had his hands on you.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now