Valentines Fever

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Valentines day the most romantic time of the year. Chocolate, flowers, pink and red everywhere. Couples had reservations at their favorite restaurants and venues. Singles were waiting for the following day to buy the half priced chocolate, or at least that's what you did when you were single. Hell you still do it, who could beat half priced chocolate?

Though you were anything but single this Valentines Day. Knowing Tim had made some sort of expensive reservation and was planning things all Valentines Eve. He never even came to bed that night, being able to hear his typing in the other room. Not knowing if it was for the plans he made or something for Bruce.

You couldn't help but worry, constantly nagging him about his lack of sleep and how he was going to get sick. Always waving you off commenting that he 'doesn't get sick.' Rolling your eyes every time. This time being no different.

"Tim you're going to get sick if you keep up like this" You comment coming up behind him. Giving up on sleep for the time being. "[F/n] I promise I won't get sick, I've got one more thing to do then I'll come to bed I promise" He looked over at you.

Wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your face in the crook of his neck. "I'll keep you company" placing soft kisses on his neck and jawline.

"Keep me company or distract me?" he chuckled still focused on his laptop screen. "Bit a both" He could feel your grin against his skin. He loved having you with him but there wasn't any need for you to be sleep deprived, he was used to being on little sleep.

"Hey sweetheart, please go get some rest. I'll be in there in a few" He shifted in order for you to stand back up. Which you did, sighing in defeat you pecked his cheek, whispering "Okay."

When you went to bed, you didn't feel him next to you until about an hour later. Turning on your other side you snuggled up next to him as he wrapped his arms around you. He fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Causing you to smile softly, brushing his bangs out of his face.

Your hand cupped his face as you wiggled up to place a kiss on his forehead. Whispering "Goodnight Tim" before you let yourself fall into the depths of sleep.

The next morning you woke up before he had. Something quite uncommon. Taking the chance you quietly slipped out of his arms and tiptoed out of the room.

Once out of the room you headed to the kitchen and began to make breakfast. Falling into a routine of flipping pancakes, turning the bacon, cutting up fruits, and setting the table. All the while having some homemade doughnuts baking. You were pretty impressed with your own multitasking skills.

When all of the food was finished and the plates made it was noon. So, you decided to go check up on your caffeine-aholic boyfriend. A cup of his favorite coffee in your hand as well.

Peering into the room you saw him sprawled out on the entire bed. Giggling you entered the room and sat next to him on the bed. You couldn't remember the last time he slept this long. "Tim.. Hey babe it's time to get up." You spoke softly while shaking his shoulder. He groaned and stretched before opening his eyes to look at you. A smile immediately decorated his features upon seeing you. "Happy Valentines Day" his voice was think and slurred from being asleep.

"Happy Valentines Day, and here is your first present" You handed him the mug, causing him to chuckle "How did you know?" he teased.

"I'm just that good" Smirking at him. He smiled but it seemed a bit strained. "Are you okay?" brows furrowing in concern.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now