The New Kid in Town

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Tumblr Request: "Maybe one with Tim? Where he meets someone at school and they really hit it off, and later he meets a new vigilante and they also really hit it off, and he's torn between the two people, only to find out that they're the same person?"


The day felt about as normal as any day could get. Tim sat in his first period history class, waiting for the first bell to ring to signal the beginning of the day. Chin resting in his hand as he stared up at the white board. He examined the notes his teacher had written up, from the looks of it, today seems to be a lecture day.

He watched as his classmates filed into their respective seats before the bell rang. However, Tim along with his classmates were confused. Usually their teacher was in class before anyone else, but not today. A girl next to him leaned over, "Hey Tim, do you know where Mr. Rickson is? You've been in here the longest." Tim shook his head, "No, he was gone when I got here too."

"Sorry class" the voice of their teacher interrupted their confusion. Tim looked to the front of the room to see a girl with stunning [e/c] eyes and gorgeous [h/c] hair. He stared at the girl, wondering who she is and why she's here. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet your new classmate, [F/n] [L/n]. She comes to us all the way from Central City so make her feel welcome please." A small, unsure smile on your face. "Miss [L/n], please take the seat in front of Mr. Carter please" Tim noticed him gesture to the seat diagonally ahead of him.

Watching as you nodded before taking your seat, a few of the students smiling at you as you passed. Tim being one of them when you locked eyes with him before sitting down.

"Alright everyone, please take out your notebooks as we continue our lecture about the Great Depression. Miss [L/n] I have the notes up to this point printed out for you." Mr. Rickson said shuffling through the papers on his desk before delivering them to your desk. Smiling you thanked him before looking to see where the class was. Tim was captivated by you, unable to tear his eyes away. That was until he was called out for not paying attention to the lesson.

During class he would occasionally glance at you, multiple times finding you with your eyebrows furrowed. As if you're contemplating something. His suspicions weren't confirmed until he witnessed you hesitantly raise your hand after Mr. Rickson made a remark about reform in during Franklin Roosevelt's presidency.

"Yes Miss [L/n]?" Mr. Rickson questioned as all eyes turned to you.

"I uh. It's just that you said President Roosevelt was an active supporter of reform. While I know he did support some reforms, wasn't it his wife Eleanor Roosevelt that was the true 'voice of reform' during his presidency? She is considered the most active first lady, no?" You questioned, waving your pencil as you spoke.

Mr. Rickson stood there thinking for a moment, "It appears I stand corrected. Yes, Eleanor Roosevelt is considered one of the if not the most active first lady to date. She is often referred to as the 'voice of reform' during the presidency. Taking on rights for women, immigrants, and so on. Nice catch Miss [L/n]." He complimented, making you smile and Tim that much more smitten.

Beautiful and smart? He has to get to know you better.

After class ended Tim made it his mission to get to know you. He was packing up his things, noticing you still sitting at your desk. Studying what he assumed is your schedule. Taking a deep breath and putting on an air of confidence he approached you.

"You look lost." Tim spoke up, his hand resting on the strap of his bag. Chuckling you answered "That obvious?" He shrugged, "I have good instincts." Smiling in the process.

Tim Drake (Red Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now