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yuna sighed heavily as she leaned on the door, feeling her heart beating faster, as if it was to come out of her chest.

"yuna-ssi?" she heard the soft knocks coming from the other side of the door. his voice was soft yet worried. 

he knocked a few times before she heard him sighing. she wasn't planning on opening that door. truth be told, she couldn't look at his face right then, it was so embarrassing. 

for a second she felt incredibly guilty and she couldn't even look at herself in the mirror. the thought of that being kibum's brother, the man who just kissed her, not only that but he looked exactly like him as well, just upsetted her. 

"aaahh!" she heard him screaming. her eyes widened as she acknowledged he was probably screaming in pain. not knowing if it was a strategy for her to open the door. she remained closed to the wooden, her ear pressed on the smooth surface, trying to catch a glimpse of his voice.

but another yell was the only thing she heard before quickly opening the door. 

the first impression was that he was no longer behind her door, so she had to walk around to finally find him laying on the ground at the living room's floor. 

he grimaced in pain as he held one side of his stomach, cheeks red and rivers of sweat falling down his temples. 

she quickly approached him, not knowing what to do, finally she touched his arm and felt her fingers almost burning. "you're burning." she said.

"it hurts." he simply said motioning for the cut he had at the shed. she swallowed hard as she lifted his shirt only to see it was getting worse with time.

"we need to go to a hospital, come on." she said trying to get him up. he managed to stand with her help without too much opposition. 

yuna reached for her car keys and coat and finally took him to her car. opening the door, she pushed him inside softly, next to her, on the passenger's seat as she ran to the driver's door. 

all the way to the town he whined and complained about the cold. she worried about him since it looked like he was really sweating. 

"here." she said removing her coat and putting it on him. "we'll be there soon." she tried to calm him down. 

since it was weekend, the roads were clear so she arrived in around 45 minutes. quickly, entering the emergency room, she looked for a nurse to help her get him out of the car. 

the nurses rushed outside with a wheelchair since it was hard for him to walk. they soon disappeared inside, leaving her both worried and confused, hoping that it was nothing too big and that they could help him quickly. 

she took a seat in the waiting room as she tried to organize her thoughts and feelings. 

right there, inside, was her brother in law, who just kissed her a few hours ago. 

truth be told, she couldn't think too much about his health, she was sure nurses and doctors will manage. 

her thoughts were mainly focused on what happened before. how he kissed her and what she have felt. 

even though she didn't want to admit it, the fact that she enjoyed the kiss, was what upsetted her the most. 

his lips were foreign but they definitely felt right and it scared her. it scared her the thought of her being okay with it because that only meant one thing: she's getting over the death of him. 

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