Chapter 35: One More Round

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Ummm this is like 2 months late but uh.. hehe... update! Enjoy lol.

Killian's P.O.V

"What would you like to do today, my love?"

Emma has been enjoying Ireland even more than I'd hoped she would. Each day is an adventure with her, finding new and exciting things to do together.

So far, we've done plenty of exploring. Emma's loved hiking then cooling off by the sea. I've also brought her to some of my favorite places to go to- places Mum and Dad would take Liam and I on special occasions. Yesterday, we watched the annual street fair.

Emma had never been to one before, so watching her face light up in excitement and delight at all sorts of new sounds was most definitely worth it.

And of course, being on our honeymoon, more enjoyable activities have taken place. Especially considering we're hoping for a little one to come along. Since we've been trying for a baby, every time together has been ten times more thrilling and filled with love. Because every time, Emma takes a moment and says,

"This could be it. This could be the time we conceive our baby."

And then she smiles her beautiful, radiant smile that's so bloody infectious.

Emma turns in my arms to face me and rests her head on my chest.

"I thought of something last night," Emma says. "Wouldn't it be cute if we wrote letters to each other that we can only open on our one year wedding anniversary?"

Her eyes glow with excitement. An irresistible smile spreads across my face as I slide my hands around her and pull her closer. She nudges my nose with hers and smiles.

"That it would, darling," I smile, pressing a kiss to her nose as she rests against my chest.

Emma sighs happily and traces circles in my skin. She's so content. No duties to stress about, no fans to be jealous of. Not that she has any need to be jealous- she happens to be the only woman I see. But it stresses her out sometimes when we're surrounded by dozens of women, all clearly fans.

Things like that can kill a man. The fact that my wife feels self conscious because of my job- it isn't fair. For that very reason, I try to avoid fans when we're together, but being the wondrous woman she is, Emma always insists that I go ahead and greet them.

"Well come on, let's do it now," Emma grins, hopping out of bed with far more energy than she should have at this time in the morning.

"Wha- no good morning kiss?" I ask, offended.

"You just had a full hour of good morning sex. Haven't you had enough?" Emma laughs, slipping her robe over her nearly bare form. I grin, getting out of bed as well to wrap my arms around her from behind. I lay kisses along her jaw, down her neck, and Emma sighs pleasantly. She tilts her head to the side, allowing me further access.

"I could never get enough of you, darling. Not in a million years."

Emma turns in my arms with a loving smile plastered to her face and drapes her arms around my neck.

"Mmm, well, I think I could bear with you for a while, too," she teases.

"Excuse you, I happen to be quite the devilishly handsome gentleman," I argue, backing her to the wall with a mischievous grin. Emma bites her lip, lust gleaming in her eyes.

The things this woman does to me.

"I second that statement," Emma smirks. She brushes her lips against mine teasingly.

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